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Host: Guy and Regenia Clemons - (9/11 - 9/17/2016)
Photos from NNWA 2016 Reunion in Indianapolis, IN
Capt. Gregory & Linda Mankey - Guest Speaker
Maurice Cheek
Jerome & Lavuana Weismann
Fran & Bob Fischer Bob is one of our Directors
Bethany & John Gray John is NNWA Secretary
Bethany Gray & Tom Salisbury
Bethany Gray & Tony Blatnik
Bethany, Tom and Fran
Buddy Paul - our photographic guru
Cameron & Beverly Shearon
Charles Brewer
Cindy, Bethany & John Gray
David & Shirley Schiffman
Dwight Chipperfield Storekeeper
Geoffrey & Kara Beatty Welcome new folks
George & Delores Simons
Guy and Reginia Clemons Host and Hostess of this Reunion
Jack & Marge Grieves
Jerry & Marianne Walker
John & Nancy O'Malia Almost the 50th
John Hawkins NNWA Director
Liz & Randy Scallan Randy is our Chaplain
Liz, Fran, Bethany & Soccoro
Mary & Ray Margeson
Michael & Socorro Laurent
Norm Ivers
Paul & Karol Christenson
Peter & Beth Lilly
Regenia Clemons & Karol Chistenson
Robert & Doris Shotsberger
Ron & Jean Moran Ron is our MAA
Ronald & Francine Bourque
Ronald & Joan Short
Rubin & Patricia Reinertsen
Tom Salisbury NNWA President
Any attendee is welcome to submit photos to the Webmaster for posting on the web site