Jim Hambley | President | (757) 340-6909 | |
Larry J. Sneid | Vice President | | |
David L. Cobb | Secretary | (352)753-3285 | |
Sid Hart | Master at Arms | (803) 755-6622 | |
Chuck Weber | Service Officer | (570) 722-0212 | |
Ray Margeson | Webmaster | (607) 732-0579 | |
Frank Kelly | Treasurer | (843) 378-4026 | |
Lonnie O. Cucinitti | Chaplain | (972) 417-7216 | |
Michael D. Snyder | Historian | (415) 456-2876 | |
Jack Grieves | Board Member | (352) 347-5269 | |
The Navy Nuclear Weapons Bulletin is produced by the Association’s Board of Directors and is distributed free to NNWA members. Edited by: Dave Cobb
The President’s Message
Shipmates and Ladies,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a great 2010. I want to thank Lonnie and Sharon Cucinitti and all those who help with the Dallas Reunion. Everyone I’ve heard from has expressed how great a reunion it was. Bravo Zulu to all. The next reunion will be held in Nashville, TN October 10-15, 2010. This reunion will be hosted by your Board of Directors and Chuck Weber has graciously volunteered to be the coordinator. He has been to several reunions in Nashville and is quite familiar with the area so this will be a great help. You will find additional reunion information in this bulletin. At the NNWA’s last business meeting in Dallas, TX, Ed Doss was designated as the first Gray Dragon of the NNWA. On December 11, 2009 I went to the VFW in Westport, WA and personally presented to Ed the NNWA’s first Gray Dragon Award. Ed, his family and many of the local residents were greatly appreciative of the NNWA bestowing this honor upon him. NNWA member George Holden was in attendance and he was so kind to take photos of the event for posting on the website. You will find a copy of the South Beach Bulletin newspaper article in this bulletin. On the NNWA’s website you can find my presentation speech and many photos of the event. I would like to remind all our members to submit the date of their first assignment to a Special/Nuclear Weapons billet. If you have a copy of your orders or other document which substantiates the date it would be nice but not necessary for you to include it with your submission. Forward the information to Frank Kelly at 1087 Frank Kelly Road Society Hill, SC 29593 or e-mail to: .
Goals for 2010 are as follows:
- Compile a change to the By-Laws and submit it to comply with Article VII of the Operational By-Laws.
- Design a new NNWA Memorial for our departed Shipmates.
- Copyright the term “Order of the Gray Dragon”©.
- Get 15% of “past members” to become “regular members” again.
- Continue modernization of the Memorabilia model collection.
Remember the 2011 reunion will be held in Albuquerque, NM. John O’Malia will be hosting and in the process of planning it at this time. John will be providing the membership a short briefing at the Nashville business meeting of his plans.
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in Nashville.
Jim Hambley
Order of the Gray Dragon©.
As you know, we established the ‘Order of the Gray Dragon©’ last year. Our first recipient is Ed Doss. The Gray Dragon is the person, in good standing in the NNWA, who has been in the Navy Nuclear Weapons Program the longest. After much research, Ed Doss was awarded the honor. Below find the newspaper article from the Westport newspaper (printed with their permission) about the presentation ceremony at the local VFW.
Doss recognized for work in Nuclear Weapons Unit
First ‘Gray Dragon’ designation
By Barb Aue
Longtime Westport resident Ed Doss was honored at a special award presentation ceremony held Friday evening, December 11th, at VFW Post #3057 in Westport. A large crowd that included family and friends turned out for the event.
Jim Hambley, current president of the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association, traveled from Norfolk, Virginia, to present Doss with the organization’s very first ‘Gray Dragon’ designation. The award, established by the Association in 2008, is presented to the oldest member of the organization. Doss, who is 90, will retain the honor until his death.
Prior to the presentation of an handsomely framed certificate, Hambley recapped Ed’s military career, with emphasis on his work in the U.S. Military’s Nuclear Weapons Unit. The Navy Nuclear Weapons Association (NNWA) is a nationwide organization of military and civilian participants in the US Navy Department nuclear weapons program from 1946 to the present. Current membership stands at approximately 550. The Association was formed in 1983 and Doss became a member shortly thereafter.
Career Navy man
A career sailor, Ed joined the U.S. Navy on April 16, 1940. After Boot Camp, he was assigned to the crew of the USS Enterprise CV-6 in August of 1940 and remained onboard for the duration of World War II, where he moved up through the ranks from Seaman to Chief Petty Officer.
During his military career, Doss served on eight different ships and at several shore stations, including three stints as a member of the Navy’s Special Weapons Units. He fought in not only WWII but also served in Korea and Vietnam. Despite being in close proximity to two 1,000-pound bomb blasts aboard the Enterprise, Doss completed his more than 30-year military career without injury.
Nuclear Weapons Unit service
In the mid-1940s, the military assumed custody of the country’s Special Weapons, as they were called during WWII. There were three Navy Special Weapons Units established in the late 1940s. Each of the three units was manned with approximately 70 individuals. Known as ‘Keepers of the Dragon’©, Unit members received rigorous training in assembly, testing, maintenance, and storage of the weapons and all were on constant two-hour standby for deployment anywhere in the world. Doss was one of the pioneers in the program. He was first assigned as a Chief Petty Officer to the 1233rd Unit, located at Sandia Base near Albuquerque, New Mexico, in January of 1949. He was deployed several times, including aboard an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea during the 1951 Berlin Crisis.
In 1952, Doss was transferred and served a three-year stint aboard the USS Skagit as a Warrant Electrician. He returned to the Special Weapons Unit in September 1955 and remained until May, 1958 at Lake Mead Base, near Las Vegas, Nevada. While on duty there, he assisted the Atomic Energy Commission with testing nuclear devices and was a member of the Lake Mead Base Navy Quality Control Inspection Team.
After a five-year hiatus from the program when he served aboard the Ice Breaker USS Burton Island in the Bering Sea, Doss returned to the Special Weapons Unit at Lake Mead Base from April 1963 to May 1966. During this period, he was a member of the Inspection Team that conducted surprise inspections on U.S. Military Nuclear Weapons facilities and operations worldwide.
Doss’ last tour of duty was in the Great Lakes Region. He retired from the Navy at the rank of CWO4 after more than 30 years service on August 1, 1970.
Civilian life
For the next decade, Doss worked the orchards in eastern Washington during the pruning and picking seasons and lived in rural Westport the rest of the year. He opened a fruit stand on S. Forrest St. and ran it for several years, as well.
During that same time, he created a six-foot diameter fiberglass apple with a huge worm boring a hole in its side to help promote his business. He eventually mounted it on a trailer and entered his ‘Apple Maggot’ float in local parades, filled with delighted area children who threw candy to the crowds as the parades passed by. Doss sold the float to a Yakima orchardist several years ago and the ‘Apple Maggot’ float still participates in community events in Eastern Washington.
For more than 15 years, Ed also volunteered his time to help promote chainsaw art carving contests in Westport.
Cards & calls
After suffering heart problems and three strokes, Ed recently moved to Aberdeen, to be closer to health care services and his caregiver who lives in the same building and helps Ed daily.
Still sharp as a tack and with his well-known sense of humor in hand, Ed would like to hear from folks on the South Beach. Cards and notes can be sent to him at: 311 N. Broadway Ave., #104, Aberdeen, WA 98520. Phone calls are most welcome also: 360-637-8688.
For more info about the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association on the Web:
From the desk of the Vice-President:
Happy New Nashville year shipmates. This year’s reunion is in Nashville, as in Tennessee. It would sure be nice to see a large record breaking number of you there this year. If you been before and didn’t meet anyone you knew, you need to come again because every year we have new people attending. If no one remembers you tell a few sea stories and you will develop memories with the other members. You must remember we are all a lot older and grayer so our memories may need a reboot. To ask someone if they remember you when they look at you is asking a lot, because the years have changed all of us. Remember being a member of an Organization is a lot like sex! Its ok to watch but it’s a lot more fun to participate in, that’s for those of you that remember sex. But to participate you must attend and to attend you must be a paid up member so pay up and join us or join us as a member.
Larry J. Sneide
Vice President
Navy Nuclear Weapons Association
Secretary Report
Navy Nuclear Weapons Association business meeting was held at The Best Western Dallas Hotel and Conference Center, Dallas Texas. The meeting was called to order at 1000 with all Board Members present, and attended by 38 members in good standing.
The President asked for all present to stand for the opening prayer by Chaplain Lonnie Cucinitti followed by the pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. All present remained standing as Lonnie Cucinitti conducted the 2-Bell ceremony to honor our shipmates who transferred to the Supreme Commander’s Staff:
- GMTC Roy (Oz) Osborne
- GMTC Thelbert O. Grantham
- CWO3 Edward Luther Jr
- GMTC Joel Weaver
- GMTCM Raymond Hawkins
- GMTC David E. White
- GMT1 Eugene Dobson
- Dewayne E. Phillips
- LCDR Leo G. Nichols
- LCDR Roy A. Norman
- SKC James H. Hackler
- GMTC William (Bill) Potter
- GMTC Darrell G. Cook
- CWO4 Karl D. Smith
- SK2 George Lenz Jr.
The President called for new members to stand and introduce themselves.
The President called for the minutes of last year’s general membership meeting to be read.
The minutes of the 2008 business meeting were read by the Secretary.
The President entertained a motion to accept the minutes as read. A motion was made, seconded and vote carried to accept the minutes as read.
The President asked if there was any additional information to report.
The Secretary also reported that we had received our Tax-Exempt Status and the letter is available for all to see. We are now officially a ‘Tax-Exempt’ Organization.
The President called for the Treasurer’s Report.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- The Treasurer passed out copies of the financial report to the membership. The Treasurer stated that there were outstanding bills to pay for this year’s reunion.
- The President asked for a motion to pay all outstanding bills. A motion was made, seconded and approved to pay all outstanding bills.
- Service Officer’s Report
- Acknowledged the presents of new members and old members who had not attended a NNWA reunion in some time. They asked him what a ‘Service Officer’ was in our organization. He said the name was more appropriately named the ‘Veterans Service Officer’, whose business is to help veterans obtain earned benefits from the government and how to go about getting them. The only reason ‘Service Officers’ exist is because the government does not actively seek you out to provided earned benefits. It is essentially Veterans taking care of Veterans. The VA also has ‘Veterans Counselors’ who are paid by the VA to help you. You don’t want to go to a VA councilor, because he will take care of the VA first, the Vet comes second. Items of interest are posted in our newsletters and if it is time sensitive, it will appear on the front page of our website.
- COLA 2010: Confirmed that there will be not COLA for 2010 and possibility 2011. Medicare Part B Insurance will stay the same as this year; however, new enrollees in Medicare will pay a higher premium.
- NDAA: The committee seeks increased healthcare funding for TRICARE to cover the $307 million shortfall due to a DOD underestimate of the TRICARE population by nearly 300,000 and to a DOD forecast of rebates, yet un-received, from the newly approved federal retail pricing guidelines. The difference between the defense authorization bill (NDAA) and the defense appropriations bill can be confusing because both bills are currently under consideration.
- Health Care Reform: President Obama: ‘One thing that reform won’t change is veterans’ health care,’ he said. ‘No one is going to take away your benefits. That’s the truth’ Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN), expressed concern that ‘in its current form, H.R. 3200 could result in bureaucratic determinations that veterans enrolled in the VA health cadre do not meet acceptable coverage standards, exposing them to a new 2.5% punitive individual income tax.
- SBP Withdrawal: Retirees participating in the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) who have a service-connected totally disabling rating by Veterans Affairs may request to stop participating in SRB. This applies to retirees who have held the VA totally disabled rating for at least 10 consecutive years or, if for a lesser period, at least five years from their discharge date or release from active duty.
- ID Card Numbers: Phase Three, set to begin in 2010, will involve removing Social Security numbers embedded in barcodes. In Jan 2010, retirees with an indefinite expiration date on their card can begin requesting a new card without a printed Social Security number. Family member ID cards will change when the cardholders’ cards are renewed. There are more than 1,500 ID card centers worldwide. To find the nearest center, visit the RAPIDS site locator at People must present two forms of identification and one must be an unexpired federal or state issued photo ID.
- Medicare Rates: Most Medicare beneficiaries won’t pay higher premiums for Part B medical insurance coverage in 2010. Under current law, Part B premiums cannot rise faster than Social Security annual cost-of-living increases. And the Congressional Budget Office predicts there will be no cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients 2010 and 2011. But the law doesn’t protect all Medicare recipients from elevated health insurance costs. About 75% of people will be protected from the premium increase, according to Juliette Cubanski, a policy analyst at the Kaiser Family Foundation. The remaining 25% of Medicare recipients will face larger than normal premium increases because the costs are spread across a smaller share of beneficiaries. Here is who will have to pay greater Medicare premiums in the near future: Medicaid Recipients, High Income Retirees. Seniors with a modified adjusted gross income above $85,000 for individuals and $170,000 for couples in 2009, New Enrollees and Part B users.
- TRICARE Regional contracts: Transition to new managed-care support contractors for six million Tricare beneficiaries across 30 states has been halted while the Government Accountability Office reviews protests filed by losing bidders
- New VA Vet Centers:
- American Samoa
- Arizona – Mohave and Yuma Counties
- California – San Luis Obispo County
- Delaware – Sussex County
- Florida – Marion, Lake, Collier, Okaloosa and Bay Counties
- Georgia – Muscogee and Richmond Counties
- Hawaii – Western Oahu
- Indiana – St. Joseph County
- Louisiana – Rapides Parish
- Michigan – Grand Traverse County, also serving Wexford County
- Missouri – Boone County
- Montana – Cascade and Flathead Counties
- Ohio – Stark County
- Oregon – Deschutes County
- Pennsylvania – Lancaster County
- South Carolina – Horry County
- Texas – Jefferson and Taylor Counties
- Utah – Washington County
- Washington – Walla Walla County, also serving Umatilla County, Oregon
- Wisconsin – LaCrosse County, also serving Monroe County
- VA Medicare Subvention: Rep Bob Filner (D-CA), chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee introduced legislation 28 JUL that would allow VA to bill Medicare for third-party reimbursements of eligible veterans for nonservice-connected medical conditions. Currently, VA is prohibited from billing Medicare for third-party reimbursements for the treatment of enrolled, Medicare-eligible veterans for medical conditions that are unrelated to their military service.
- SBP – DIC Offset: By voice vote and without debate, the U.S. Senate passed an amendment July 21 that repeals the offset of pay for surviving spouses who are eligible for both military and survivor benefits. This ends the unfair practice of deducting VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation survivor benefits from Military Survivor Benefit Plan annuities. The amendment to the fiscal 2010 National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1390) was chiefly sponsored by Sen. Bill Nelson (D,FL). About 57,000 survivors, mostly widows, will be affected by the new provision. Most of them will get a monthly benefit of about $1,100.
- VA Handbook 2009: The latest edition of the Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents Pamphlet (i.e. handbook) 80-09-01 can be obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs online or by mail.
NEW VA TRICK: ‘FAST SETTLEMENT CENTER FOR CLAIMS’ offers lump sum settlement check for disability claims in exchange for an agreement not to re-file. DO NOT DO THIS!!!!
Historian’s Report: A number of new memorabilia displays this year. A tritium fill consol from Los Alamos (from Don Green), a book published in the 1980’s limited edition (Tom Trimbul) bought from the internet at considerable cost to him. From Capt Hanson, at our meeting in San Diego, graphite from first nuclear reactor (1942 Stagg Field, University of Chicago). We have also received a lot of input from people’s personal files, cruise books, etc. Most now have names associated with them, unlike the old documents that we do not know where they came from.
- Mike asked for those present to go through the old cruise books/memorabilia and if you recognize someone, note their name on the page. The history is fast disappearing and we need to note names whenever possible.
- If you send photos, please label them (who, what, where, date).
- Don Micco put together a very good model collection. They are wearing out and we are trying to get new models made. The membership is invited to take home a model and make a new one (or repair the old one) for our collection. Just let the Historian know that you are taking it and when you will return it.
- Personal Histories: We put together one for Ed Doss (the Gray Dragon). He has written volumes from 1937 for a period covering 30 years. You need to set and record your career in the Navy (Special Weapons) for future generations. He then discussed ‘Area 52’, by Lt Lee Boiling (USA). Answer the question: ‘What would I tell my kids about my history’? Write to them.
Webmaster’ Report: We have over 100,000 hits on the website. Also, check the online roster and make sure the information we have about you is up-to-date. It is especially important to have your email address correct as this is how we send out our newsletters. If you see only your name and dues expiration, it is because you have not given us permission to put the other information on the website. We do not publish anything other than your name and dues without your permission.
Chaplain’s Report: If you find somebody sick or not able to respond to our emails, please let us know so we can show they are not forgotten by the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association.
- Bring the oldest photo of you in the Navy to the next reunion.
Storekeeper’s Report: During the year, we had total sales of $535.29. Just at this reunion we have done $949.75. The Blue Shirts will be added to the website for anyone who wants one. There will be an order form included on the website for the shirts. They will be drop shipped directly to the buyer from the vendor. This eliminates having to maintain shirts in our inventory.
The President thanked Lonnie and Sharon Cucinitti and all those who helped for this outstanding reunion. This has been a reunion for the books and the membership gave Lonnie and Sharon a round of applause.
As the first order of new business the President announced that 5 positions were open on the board and up for election by the Membership. He informed the Membership that, in accordance with the By-Laws, the following Officer positions were also up for election by the new Board during the Board Meeting to follow the general meeting, (Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian and Webmaster). He then turned the gavel over to the Nominations and Elections Chairman Chuck Weber to conduct appropriate nominations and elections. Chuck gave a short presentation as to what the Board does all during the year. We are an IRS Registered non-profit tax exempt organization. We have about 100 committee meetings a year (e-mail) and one when Board Members must be present. If you feel like you would like to be on the Board of Directors, please feel free to contact anyone on the Board and tell them of your interest. They will explain the time commitment and the effort that goes into being a Board Member.
Chuck provided an overview of the qualifications and responsibilities of being a Board member. You must be a member in good standing and have email capability. We opened nominations with our June Newsletter being sent to each member. That closed at the end of August and was suspended. There were no responses to that call. . He informed the membership that Larry Sneide, Dave Cobb, Frank Kelly, Mike Snyder and Ray Margeson have agreed to remain on the board if reelected, and I strongly recommended their reelection.
The Board of Directors has recommended that the above mentioned 5 members be considered for re-election to the Board for the 2009 – 2011 term. Are there any other nominations for director? Hearing no nominations, the Chair entertained a motion from the floor that we close nominations. The motion was made and seconded. All present voted ‘aye’. These 5 nominees accepted. Chairman Weber requested a motion from the floor stipulating the Secretary cast a ballot in favor of each nominee representing the unanimous consent of the Membership. Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously. The elections were closed.
The 26th annual reunion will be held in Nashville area. The host will be Alex Gabbard.
The Board is evaluating this selection now. There will be a tour of Clarksville Base, which will be an all day tour. It will also include Ft Campbell. We do not have the dates or the hotel at this time. When we get the hotel and dates firmed up, we will post it on the website and possibility send out an email to everyone and a special letter to those without email, so that reservations can be made.
The 27th 2011 annual reunion will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The host will be John O’Malia, providing his health continues to be good. Otherwise, we would need to look for a new host or a new place. As of now, John’s health is good.
The 28th 2012 reunion was discussed. It will be held in the central region. The President asked for places where we might hold the next reunion. We are always looking for volunteers to host one of our reunions. Rapid City, South Dakota was suggested by Sandia Base Class 45. Bill Beard will take the lead on that proposal, if approved. San Antonio was also suggested. Branson, Missouri was suggested also. The Board will look at these locations and make a decision on which one to go to.
The Board of Directors is considering changing the reunion dates to Tuesday thru Sunday (versus Wednesday thru Sunday). The President would like to get a feel of the general membership if they think that is a good idea. It was brought up that about 35 people arrived on Tuesday for this reunion. Nashville will be Tuesday to Sunday because there is so much to do there. Someone asked if Monday thru Saturday might be better for some locations due to Traffic considerations.
It was also suggested that we do it site specific and let the host set the dates. It was decided to keep the date’s site specific. Our bylaws require mid September to mid October for our reunion. The Board may offer a bylaws change to give us a little more leeway to set up the reunion.
The Red Shirts the Board was wearing was discussed. The only people wearing red shirts are the Board of Directors. That way, when a person sees a red shirt, he can ask questions about the organization or about the reunion, and the Board Member should be able to help.
The Historian added that the reason we are asking people to identify people in the pictures is to identify as many people in the Navy Nuclear Weapons Program as possible.
There being no other new business, the President asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made and seconded.
The Chaplain offered the closing prayer.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25.
As the Treasurer and the keeper of the membership roster, let me welcome our new and reinstated members who have joined the Organization or reinstated their membership since the last news letter.
- Hallahan, Edward T
- Adams, Thomas L
- Blevins, Kenneth
- Miller, Dale L
- Vaccarella, John
- Brown, Ronald P
- Bruno, Joseph
- Tennyson, Clifford L
- Cave Thomas D
- Fox Wayne P
- Deitzler,Edward L
- Grounds, George G
- Gonyea, Victor J
- Thompson, Robert S
- Barstow, Charles E
- Moore Jr, Joseph E.
We now have 639 members listed on the membership roster. 420 members in good standing, 40 Life member (spouses of deceased members), 179 past members (members that have not paid their dues for three years) and one Honorary Member (NAAV) Past members will not receive newsletters or reunion information until dues are brought up to date. Membership is $10.00 per year. Past members can be reinstated by sending $10.00 reinstatement fee plus $10.00 for each year they wish to pay their dues. This is an effective policy due to the cost of mailing newsletters and reunion information. If you are unsure whether you dues are up to date and receive your newsletter by mail, the date on the upper right corner of the mailing label shows the month and year to which your dues are paid.
If you receive your newsletter electronically and wish to know your dues date, log onto our web-site ( The dues date will be listed in the date column on the right of your name on the membership roster. Some of our members find it convenient to pay their dues several years in advance. This can save you postage and the Treasurer lots of time.
The current membership roster is posted on our web-site. Members not on line may request a hard copy of the roster by calling or writing Frank M. Kelly, 1087 Frank Kelly Road, Society Hill, SC 29593 PH# 843-378-4026. AGAIN For survival it is Imperative that we keep our roster and Dues up to date. Please review the roster and notify the treasurer or any member of the Board of any changes to your current status.
We now have $12,783.15 on deposit with Wachovia (Wells Fargo). Payments are due for the following; Attorney Fee, Incorporation Fee, and the Web-site Fee; approximately $290.00. Payment will be paid upon receipt of invoices.
Frank M. Kelly
Treasurer and Keeper of the Roster
January, 2010
COLA 2010 No COLA for 2010. A bill is proposed to give a one time $250 payment to Vets/SocSec benefit recipients in lieu of COLA. Awaiting action.
VA HANDBOOK 2009 The latest edition of the Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents Pamphlet (i.e. handbook) 80-09-01 can be obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs online or by mail or in person.
FLU SHOTS are available at VAMC and some outreach clinics. If you are VA registered you should have received the walk in schedule in the mail. If not, call the VA. Shots are for seasonal shots only, no word yet on H1N1 shot. If you are a retiree, Tricare will cover cost of shots at your private physicians office.
VIETNAM MEMORIAL WALL: Repair work was under way 21 OCT at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial as a private fund took over landscaping and maintenance. Plans are also underway to raise money for future repairs.
VA BLUE WATER CLAIMS On 5 MAY 09 Rep Bob Filner (D-CA-51st) introduced the Agent Orange Equity Act of 2009 (H.R.2244). Although there are many cosponsors of this bill that are not enough to ensure it will pass. Awaiting action.
VA SETTLEMENT OFFER If you are a veteran receiving compensation for a service connected disability, and you receive a letter from the VA stating an option to respond to an increase in compensation, do not sign any form. Any time you receive anything you do not fully understand, show it to a registered veteran’s service officer.
AGENT ORANGE CONCESSIONS Three new disease added to the presumptive list: B cell leukemias, (such as hairy cell leukemia);
Parkinson’s disease;
Ischemic heart disease
HEALTH CARE REFORM. Since most of the attention of the Congress has been aimed at Health Care Reform, little action has been taken in other areas of interest to veterans. The President has promised, and the House and Senate have indicated through their respective leaders, that Health Care Reform will not affect Tricare, Tricare for Life and VA health care programs. Despite such supposed assurances, you are urged to contact all of your representatives and ask for their assurance.
Yours in service,
Chuck Weber
Registered Veterans Service Officer
Spalling and Exudate
We Have A Road Show!!
The NNWA Board of Directors has kicked around the idea of putting our memorabilia collection on display at venues outside our annual reunions for several years. Primary among the “targets” for our display was the reunion of our brothers-in-arms of the Air Force nuclear weapons association, the “Nuclear Weapons Technician Association”. But that has yet to happen due to distances, scheduling, etc.
This past summer I was invited to attend the initial meeting of the Alameda, CA chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) to hear a particularly dynamic individual talk about his experiences in and thoughts about US forces in Afghanistan. The presentation was as exciting and informative as its billing promised. This contact led to conversations about future presentations. I let it be known I had a garage filled with nuclear weapons program memorabilia and might be interested in providing the chapter with a presentation. With a little urging and some free beer I researched the material from my personal library and the NNWA material and assembled a Power Point presentation of 23 pages requiring about 40 minutes. With the permission of the NNWA Board of Directors, I took our memorabilia on the road and visited the Alameda Chapter in mid October 2009. The presentation was conducted on Coast Guard Island in Alameda with approximately 40 people in attendance. The display was a miniature of what we normally have at the reunions and included the spectacular model display, some documentation and cruise books, all the flags and banners, the pieces and parts collection, Trinitite, small dragon, etc. It covered four tables and the associated background. I talked about the Navy program from its beginnings in 1947 to its demise in the mid 1990’s. The display and my presentation were well received by the members. A brief question and answer session followed my talk.
Here are two views from the presentation.
I have again been asked by MOAA to give the presentation, this time to the larger and older chapter of Marin County, CA. Depending upon the availability of speakers, it may occur some time in the first half of 2010. I’ve offered, and if there is interest, I’d be pleased to make the presentation at the Nashville reunion. I know some of our “younger” members and many of our guests don’t know the whole story.
Mike Snyder, NNWA Historian
26TH Annual Reunion
Nashville, Tennessee
Sunday, October 10th through Friday, October 15th, 2010
To obtain best hotel rates and best availability to the sights, this reunion has been changed to five days and from Sunday to Friday. Mark these dates on your calendar NOW. Due to hotel requirements, all reservations must be made no later than August 27, 2010. There will be NO late registrations this year.
Radisson Hotel at Opryland
2401 Music Valley Drive, Nashville Tennessee 37214
Reservations: 1-800-395-7046
$79 per nite plus tax, rate is good 3days before or after
Give code NNWA

Tour of Clarksville Base, KY One of the first homes of the NW Program

Dinner Cruise and Show on the Paddle wheeler Steamboat General Jackson

A Night at the Opera Grand Old Opry, that is

Daily Bus Tours of Nashville Sights

Southern Style BBQ Dinner and Country Western Show at The BARN at the KOA Campground

and much, much more

KOA Nashville 2626 Music Valley Drive Nashville, TN 37214 (615) 889-0282

Camping World, Nashville 2622 Music Valley Drive Nashville, TN 37214 (800) 831-0111
More details will be coming out soon; we just want to get you excited about this great reunion. Stay tuned for website announcements and future newsletters.
This reunion is brought to you by your NNWA Board of Directors
Chuck Weber, Coordinator
REMEMBER, set aside those dates now
October 10-15, 2010
with reservations made NLT August 27, 2010
See y’all in Nashville