President | Michael D. Snyder | (415) 456-2876 | |
Vice President | Frank Cantrell | (864) 859-3056 | |
Secretary | David L. Cobb | (352) 454-2660 | |
Historian | Michael D. Snyder | (415) 456-2876 | |
Storekeeper | Jack Grieves | (352) 347-5269 | |
Board Member | Edward Krenk | (402) 289-3291 | |
Board Member | John Gray | (360) 895-3188 | |
Treasurer | Frank Kelly | (843) 378-4026 | |
Webmaster | Ray Margeson | (607) 732-0579 | |
Board Member | Ron Moran | (702) 431-2712 | |
Board Member | Larry Sneide | (804)986-5861 | |
Board Member | Thomas Salisbury | (360)254-5244 | |
The President’s message
Let me welcome all the new and reinstated members highlighted in the Treasurer’s Report. We are pleased to have you as members of the NNWA. But, as you can see by his accounting, we’re getting slim. Only 43% of the people listed on the roster are active members. We need your help in shaking the trees to identify potential new members. Even though we are a “Last Man’s Club”, there are a lot of former Navy Special Weapons people out there who might be interested in joining the NNWA if only contacted. I ask everyone to help in this effort. Talk to your old shipmates and tell them about the joy of meeting like persons at wonderful venues around the country. The up-to-date reports by our Service Officer are a benefit unto themselves. And don’t forget to mention that the dues are only $20 bucks the first year and $10 annually thereafter.
I want to echo the good words offered by Tom Salisbury as Chairman of the Nominations and Elections Committee. The NNWA needs the active participation of its membership as directors to keep the association viable and current. For the past several years we enjoyed a stable, assertive Board of Directors who worked well together. Beginning last October this long-standing group slowly began breaking up to be replaced with new men interested in taking an active role in the direction of the NNWA. Think seriously about volunteering for a position on the Board. It is a rewarding and enjoyable experience.
Frank Cantrell and Frank Kelly have put together what promises to be a spectacular reunion scheduled for 6 through 11 October in Pigeon Forge, TN. Oak Ridge is one of those fabled places few, if any of us, were privileged to visit. This will be as exotic as our tour of the Nevada Test Site in 1999, Alamogordo in 2002 and the Sandia Corp Museum in 2011. The Great Smokies are spectacular in October and the Biltmore “House” is something you should not miss. I quoted “House” because of its understatement. How many “Houses” do you know that can hold a destroyer in its dining room? I hope to see every one of the NNWA members and their guests at this years’ reunion.
And while we’re on the topic of reunions, we need to identify a host and location for the 2014 reunion. It should be in the western region, but that does not necessarily mean a site that allows you to dip your toes in salt water. Think about it? You could be our 2014 reunion host. There are a lot of experienced past-hosts to ask questions of and the Board of Directors has developed a time phased check list to walk you through the process. Nearly every past-host has indicated they thought it was a rewarding experience. Please contact me or a Board member if you are interested in being our 2014 reunion host.
See you in Pigeon Forge in October,
Mike Snyder
From the desk of the Vice-President:
Welcome all new and reinstated members. May I offer any help you may need. You will find my contact information on the Board of Directors page of our website. All hands please review our bylaws and pass down log, and pass to me any information you think needs to be changed or updated, Please inform other members of our 2013 reunion in Pigeon Forge, TN. I would like to see the biggest turnout we have ever had..
Frank C.
Secretary Report
It is with some sadness that I announce that I will not stand for re-election this year. I have enjoyed my service to the NNWA and hope to pass along some things I learned to the new Secretary. However, I intend to stay an active member. I hope to see you all in Pigeon Forge in September.
Dave Cobb
Let’s all welcome our new and reinstated members who have joined our organization since the last newsletter.
- Charles, Thomas V.
- Harris, Vance L
- Brewer, Charles M.
- Cantrell, John
- Ballard, John A
- Castronova, Louis T
- Krouse, Wayne R
- George, Tyros K
- Huff, Ronald G
- Campbell, Eric M
- Herrington, Frank B
- Johnson, William L
- Becker, Terry L
- Bean, Brad
- Liddy, Peter D
- Lawson, Robert H
- Smith, Mark S
- Trevino, Gilbert N
- Wuestling, Warren W Rogers, Stephen
The current membership roster is posted on our website. Members not on line may request a hard copy of the roster by calling or writing Frank M. Kelly, 1087 Frank Kelly Road, Society Hill, SC 29593 PH# 843-378-4026. For our survival it is imperative that we keep our roster up to date. Please review the roster and notify the treasurer or any member of the board of any changes to your current status.
Financial Report
We have $17,677.88 on deposit with Wells Fargo.
Frank M. Kelly
Treasurer and Keeper of the Roster
2013 Board of Directors Nominations Notice
The NNWA Bylaws require that half of our Board of Directors positions must stand for election each year.
Unless some of you step forward, there will be no one to run the business of NNWA and to prepare for reunions. NNWA is a corporation with many legal requirements placed on it. The Directors ensure that these are done. Continuous communications flow among the Directors and many resolutions are passed by them each year. All of this requires that a Director must have, and know well how to use, email communications. Also, there will need to be significant pass down from outgoing officers to their incoming replacements.
This year there are six positions up for election and there are not six incumbent Directors seeking re-election. If you wish to be nominated for the Board, please let me know by Email at Please advise not later than 15 August 2013.
Nominations will be re-opened at the annual business meeting and additional nominations may be made from the floor then. In order to be elected, a nominee will need to be present at the meeting OR they may submit a letter in advance to the Board stating that they are willing to accept the nomination for a position on the Board if they are unable to attend the meeting. Voting will occur under new business at the business meeting. Following the business meeting, the Board then meets to elect its open officer positions.
I have contacted our current Board members regarding their interest in remaining on the Board, and as I wrote above, several are not interested in continuing. The Nominations Committee may make nominations for the continuance of the others at the annual Business meeting.
- the nominee must be a regular member in good standing with currently paid dues, and
- The nominee must have email capability (due to the electronic voting requirements of our incorporating State).
The strength of our Association lies in the strength of our members who are willing to volunteer their time to further our Association’s goals. If you are personally willing to serve our association, please do not hesitate to contact me.
For planning purposes, I will need to receive this contact by August 15th.
Nominations & Elections
om Salisbury
Fellow Dragon Keepers,
I am changing from providing you a twice a year summary in the bulletin to a real time posting on the website as info develops. This way you can always go and retrieve the info you need and it will be current. I hope this works better.
Yours in service,
Chuck Weber
Registered Veterans Service Officer
Spalling and Exudate
The NNWA Historians Report of June 2013
This is my final report to you as the NNWA Historian. Barring a catastrophe, in October I will pass the responsibility for the memorabilia collection and other duties as Historian to WTC Guy Clemons, USN (Ret). I have enjoyed every minute as your Historian. Since 2000, I’ve learned a great deal more than I knew about the special weapons program. Most significant is the awareness of the individual’s accomplishments, sacrifices, and dedication to duty. Never forget that your experiences in the special weapons program are unique. There were limited numbers of us performing highly technical activities over a brief period in history. If you haven’t already done so, I strongly urge you to write or record your history for your children, grandchildren and the Navy as a whole. You will enjoy it and the world will be better for it. Thanks for your your support over these past thirteen years.
The article below was brought to my attention by our Past President, Jim Hambley. I had begun work on another topic for my Historian’s report, but this piece seemed more interesting and had greater currency. I have edited the article for brevity. The entire article may be viewed at As the author states, this truly is the end of an era, one in which each of us played a significant role. You can be justifiably proud of your accomplishments in nuclear safety, security, reliability, and more than fifty years of deterrence.
Mike Snyder
NNWA Historian
US Navy Instruction Confirms Retirement of Nuclear Tomahawk Cruise Missile

The U.S. Navy has quietly removed the nuclear Tomahawk cruise missile from its inventory, a new Secretary of the Navy Instruction shows. Although the U.S. Navy has yet to make a formal announcement that the nuclear Tomahawk land-attack cruise missile (TLAM/N) has been retired, a new updated navy instruction shows that the weapon is gone.
The evidence comes not in the form of an explicit statement, but from what has been deleted from the U.S. Navy’s instruction Department of the Navy Nuclear Weapons Responsibilities and Authorities (SECNAVINST 8120.1A). While the previous version of the instruction from 2010 included a whole sub-section describing TLAM/N responsibilities, the new version published on February 15, 2013, contains no mentioning of the TLAM/N at all and the previous sub-section has been deleted.
The U.S. Navy is finally out of the non-strategic nuclear weapons business. The stockpile has declined and a substantial number of TLAM/N warheads (W80-0) have already been dismantled. [Update 21 Mar: FY12 Pantex Performance Evaluation Report states (p.24): “All W80-0 warheads in the stockpile have been dismantled.”].

The retirement of the TLAM/N completes a 25-year process of eliminating all non-strategic naval nuclear weapons from the U.S. Navy’s arsenal. In 1989, diligent researchers using the Freedom of Information Act discovered that the navy planned to unilaterally retire three of its non-strategic nuclear weapons.
The first to go was the SUBROC; a submarine-launched rocket introduced in 1965 to deliver a 5-kiloton nuclear torpedo against another submarine. The SUBROC was widely deployed on attack submarines for 24 years and retired in 1989.
The ASROC was next in line; a ship-launched rocket introduced in 1961 to deliver a 10-kiloton depth bomb against submarines. The ASROC was widely deployed on cruisers, destroyers, and frigates for 29 years and retired in 1990.
The third non-strategic nuclear weapon to be unilaterally retired was the nuclear Terrier; a ship-launched surface-to-air missile introduced in 1961 to deliver a 1-kiloton warhead against aircraft. The nuclear Terrier was retired in 1990 after 29 years.
The Regan administration planned to replace all of these weapons with new types: the SUBROC would be replaced by the Sea Lance rocket; the ASROC would be replaced with the Vertical ASROC; and the Terrier was to be replaced by the Standard 2 missile. But all of these replacement programs were cancelled. The Harpoon cruise missile was intended to have a nuclear warhead option, but that was also canceled. Originally 758 TLAM/Ns were planned but only 350 were built, with 260 remaining when the Obama administration decided to retire the weapon.
After the unilateral retirement of the SUBROC, ASROC, and Terrier missiles, the Navy was left with B61 and B57 bombs on aircraft carriers and land-based anti-submarine aircraft, as well as the TLAM/N. Work initially continued on the B90 NSDB (nuclear strike and depth bomb) to replace the naval B61 and B57, but in September 1991 President George H.W. Bush unilaterally cancelled the program and ordered the offloading and withdrawal of all non-strategic nuclear weapons.
The Clinton administration’s 1994 Nuclear Posture Review followed up by denuclearizing the entire surface fleet, leaving only TLAM/N for some of the navy’s attack submarines. The missiles were stored on land, however, and never made it back to sea.
In the early part of the George W. Bush administration, the Navy wanted to retire the TLAM/N, but some officials in the National Security Council and the Office of the Secretary of Defense insisted that the weapon was needed for certain missions in defense of allied countries. As a result, the TLAM/N survived the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review, and up through 2005 the Navy continued to test launch the missile from attack submarines. Some officials and lobbyists tried to protect the TLAM/N during the 2009 Congressional Strategic Posture Commission process, but they failed. The Obama administration’s 2010 Nuclear Posture Review determined that the TLAM/N should finally be retired because it was redundant
This is monumental achievement marks the end of a long process. In 1987, the U.S. Navy possessed more than 3,700 non-strategic nuclear weapons for use by almost 240 nuclear-capable ships and attack submarines in nuclear battles on the high seas. Today the number is zero. Submarine crews can finally focus on real-world operations without the burden of non-strategic nuclear weapons, while government officials from the United States and its Pacific allies can finally begin to think about how to structure extended deterrence without clinging to the Cold War illusion that it requires tactical naval nuclear weapons.
I only wish the Obama administration and its allies were not so timid about the achievement. The unilateral elimination of naval non-strategic nuclear weapons is an important milestone in U.S. nuclear weapons history that demonstrates that non-strategic nuclear weapons have lost their military and political value. Russia has partly followed the initiative by eliminating a third of its non-strategic naval nuclear weapons since 1991, but is holding on to the rest to compensate for superior U.S. conventional naval forces.
This publication was made possible by a grant from the Ploughshares Fund. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the author.
By Hans M. Kristensen
March 18, 2013
FAS Strategic Security Blog
From the Federation of American Scientists
Mike Snyder, NNWA Historian
Sunday, October 6, 2013 through Thursday, October 11, 2013
***Mark these dates on your calendar NOW***
Note: The completed Reservations form and
Check must be received by the
NNWA Treasurer No Later Than August 15, 2013
Oak Tree Lodge
1620 Parkway, Sevierville, TN 37862
Ph: 1-800-637-7002
Hotel reservations must be made no later than September 21, 2013.
The Oak Tree Lodge Pigeon Forge Hotel is your choice for lodging in Pigeon Forge and the Sevierville area. Our hotel is within walking distance of fine restaurants, great attractions, shows and across the street from Tanger Outlet Mall. But there is more to a great hotel than just location. At the Oak Tree Lodge you’ll find all the best amenities like: an indoor pool and outdoor pool with slide, an on-site convention center, workout facility, free deluxe continental breakfast and warm friendly hospitality from our staff. Some rooms have a fireplace and hot tub.
Room rates are $65 per night for queen (two beds) and $69 per night for king. These rates are good 3 days before and 3 days after the reunion.
Be sure to mention that you are with the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association Reunion.
They do have a NO PETS ALLOWED policy.
Monday, October 7, 2013: Cost for this tour is $50.00 per person.
The bus will depart the hotel at 8:00AM and return to the hotel about 5:00PM. First stop will be The American Museum of Science and Energy for a tour of the museum. We will next stop for lunch at the Double Tree Inn. Cost of lunch is included in the tour cost. We will proceed to Oak Ridge, TN. for a SPECIAL CUSTOMIZED tour of ORNL at 12:30PM, which will include current missions and research and development at ORNL, history; including the Manhattan Project, a working reactor, and much more.

The ORNL campus.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013: Cost for this tour is $60.00 per person. The bus will depart the hotel at 9:00AM and return to the hotel about 2:30PM. This tour will take us to the upper reaches of the Great Smokey Mountain National Park (The most visited national park in the country). We will experience spectacular panoramic views of the Smokes. Our guide will give us the history of the park along with information about the area wildlife and legends of the region. The foliage in early October is awesome! Lunch will be at Carvers Apple Orchard in Gatlinburg, TN. Their menu offers great food at a reasonable price. Lunch cost is included in this tour. Take time to browse the farmers market next door. Later, we will stop at a Bush Bean Factory and tour a very interesting museum and sample a wide variety of bean recipes.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013: Cost of this tour is $65.00 per person.
The bus will depart the hotel at 8:00AM and return about 6:00PM.This is an all day, self-guided tour of the beautiful Vanderbilt Estate, Gardens and Winery. We will visit America’s largest privately owned residence. Built by George Vanderbilt in the mid-1800s, this 250 room mansion is filled with art and fine antiques. The mansion covers an incredible four acres of floor space! You can stroll through magnificent gardens and have lunch, on your own. Lunch is not included in cost of this tour. There is a restaurant at the Biltmore Estate. Lunch is on your own. After touring the estate and gardens, you will load the bus for a short drive to the winery. Note: A lot of walking is involved in this tour. Special needs should be addressed prior to tour time.

RV CAMPGROUNDS: River Plantation RV Park located at 1004 Parkway, (Phone 865-429-5267), and Up The Creek RV Park located at 1919 Little Valley Road, (Phone 865-453-8474), are just two of several available. Others can be found on-line by searching
For RV Parks in Sevierville, TN.
McGhee-Tyson Airport, (Knoxville) is the closest commercial airport to the hotel in Sevierville which is 27 miles. Shipmates, sharing the ride to the hotel may be best option since the airport doesn’t have a shuttle.
Rocky Top Tours provides airport shuttle services for groups or individuals to and from McGhee-Tyson Airport or Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge Airport by reservations only. Price is based on number of passengers on the shuttle. Beware If only one person is on the shuttle it will cost $70.00, for two people the cost will be $40.00 each. For a bus load the price would be more reasonable. To make reservations or for more information contact: or call 865-429-8687. Their toll free number is 877-315-8687.
Rental Cars may be the best bet for several people.
Taxi Service: These taxis are available to and from the airport. Discount Taxi 865-755-5143, West Knox Taxi 865-539-6119, Fast Service 865-539-9500, A&B Ground Transportation 865-389-0312. The average cost is $65.00.
Trolley: Day long trolley tickets can be purchased for $2.50 (subject to change) and run to and from Sevierville, Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg. Trolley schedule, with pickup/drop-off points will be available at the reunion.
LOCAL RESTAURANTS: There are numerous restaurants within walking distance of the hotel. Damon’s Grill, Logan’s Roadhouse, Applewood Farmhouse Restaurant, Bennett’s BBQ, Taste of Tennessee, Mellow Mushroom, Mama’s Farmhouse are just a few in the area.
DINNER- DANCE: Our dinner dance will be held in the Convention Center, at the hotel. Dinner will be catered by Damon’s Grill. We have a selection of grilled chicken, grilled salmon, or prime rib as our entrees, side items are red potatoes and steamed vegetables, salad, dessert, beverage, and rolls.
The Hospitality Room will be open for social hour and during the dinner-dance.
Entertainment for the dance will be provided by The Adam Carter Band from Central, SC.
They play a variety of music, including oldies and country.
50/50 Drawing & Necklace Raffle: Tickets for the 50/50 drawing and tickets for the raffle of the turquoise necklace will be available for purchase throughout the reunion. Members selling tickets will be in the hospitality room, daily. The drawings will be held at the dinner/dance. NO tickets will be sold during the dinner/dance.
Gift Exchange: Please bring a gift for the gift exchange. Gifts should be wrapped and marked (man, woman, or both). Gifts should be valued at approximately $20.00 and, if possible, be something from your particular state. They will be exchanged at the dinner/dance.
Auction: There will be an auction Friday morning at 0930 of left over supplies and Booze in the Hospitality Room.
We are really excited about this reunion and look forward to seeing each of you!
2013 Reunion Schedule of Events
Sunday, 6 October
Registration in the Oak Tree Lodge Convention Center ( 1500 – ??? )
Meet & Greet in the Oak Tree Lodge Convention Center ( 1800 – ??? )
Hospitality Room open located in Convention Center ( 1200 – ??? )
Monday, 7 October
Oak Ridge National Laboratory & American Museum of Science & Energy Tour will depart from hotel. Bus will Arrive at 0730. Lunch will be at the Double Tree Inn ( 0800 – 1700 )
Hospitality Room open ( 0800 – ??? )
Tuesday, 8 October
Hospitality Room open ( 0800 – ??? )
Great Smokey Mountains Tour with lunch at Carvers Apple Orchard in Gatlinburg. Bus will stop at Bush Bean Factory before returning to the hotel. ( 0900 – 1430 )
Wednesday, 9 October
Hospitality Room open ( 0800 – ??? )
Biltmore Estate Tour bus leaves the hotel. This is an all day tour. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes . Lunch will be on your own at the Biltmore Estate ( 0800 -1800 )
Thursday, 10 October
Hospitality Room open. The Hospitality room is closed during the Business meeting ( 0800 – 0900 )
Business Meeting in the Convention Center. Everyone is encouraged to attend (0900 )
Social Hour – Come, fellowship with all ( 1800 -1900 )
Dinner/Dance in the Convention Center. Bar will be set up in the hospitality room. Drawing winners will be announced and gift exchange will take place. ( 1900 -2300 )
Friday, 11 October
Check out and Departure – Any help packing up the Hospitality Room and Memorabilia will be appreciated ( 0800 – 1200 )
Auction of left over supplies and Booze in the Hospitality Room ( 0930 – ???? )
Click for Reservation Form