Jim Hambley | President | (757)340-6909 | |
William (Bill) Grizzard | Vice President | (505)527-1162 | |
David L. Cobb | Secretary | (352)753-3285 | |
Sid Hart | Master at Arms | (803) 755-6622 | |
Chuck Weber | Service Officer | (570) 722-0212 | |
Ray Margeson | Director | (607) 732-0579 | |
Frank Kelly | Treasurer | (843)378-4026 | |
Lonnie O. Cucinitti | Chaplain | (972)417-7216 | |
Michael D. Snyder | Historian | (415)456-2876 | |
Lou Rivera | Board Member | |
The Navy Nuclear Weapons Bulletin is produced by the Association’s Board of Directors and is distributed free to NNWA members. Edited by: Dave Cobb.
The President’s message
Shipmates and Ladies,
I look forward to serving you for the next two years as your President. I hope everyone had as much fun in Wisconsin Dells as I did. It really was a great reunion and I want to extend a well deserved “well done” to Bill, Corinne Beard and their son Jake for putting together such a wonderful, fun filled down home Reunion.
We sailed into some uncharted waters with the DVD and CD of the reunion. As with most new adventures in uncharted waters you run the risk of running aground. We might not have run aground but we did hit a few sand bars. I know some of the DVDs and CDs have some problems with them which we will take care of. All we need is for anyone who experienced difficulties with the DVDs or CDs to advise our Secretary Dave Cobb who will have them replaced.
Goals for the 2007 are as follows:
- Continue the development of the SOP/ Board of Directors Resolutions document.
- Review and develop required changes to the BY-Laws and submit to the membership for a vote.
- Identify additional Logo items to be made available to the membership.
- Look into the feasibility of a photo roster.
Our next reunion will be hosted by Ray and Mary Margeson and will be in Niagara Falls in September. You can find more information on the reunion in this bulletin. I know Ray and Mary are putting together a great reunion with lot to see and do. So make your plans now to attend and visit with old and new shipmates.
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in Niagara Falls.
Jim Hambley
Service Officer’s Report
The 109th “lame duck” Congress adjourned in December with some issues left unresolved for veterans and military retirees.
- Dropped from the NDAA was a “thirty years and paid up” provision for SBP. (So now you can pay this overpriced insurance premium for life! – Ed.)
- Also dropped was a proposal to stop deduction of VA benefits from SBP benefits. (Similar to the CRDP issue.) – Ed.
- full concurrent receipt of VA benefits for disabled military retirees deemed “unemployable” was not enacted. (A double penalty for those seriously injured while in service. – Ed.)
- Tricare for Life (TFL) was not separated from the overall DOD budget for direct funding. (TFL must continue to compete with other priorities of the SecDef and fight each year for its continued existence.- Ed.)
- Unfortunately passed was an NDAA provision wherein civilian employers may not give cash or other financial incentives to military retirees who opt out of their employer’s health care insurance. (Thereby forcing retirees away from Tricare. – Ed.)
- VA was not fully funded again and as a result SecVA has had to transfer $250 M away from construction and maintenance in order to provide medical care for veterans. VA also was not permanently funded, thereby continuing to have to justify it existence every year.
- S.3421 was signed into law and repealed legislation from 1866. Veterans may now hire their own civilian lawyers to represent them in claims made to the VA.
The incoming 110th Congress was seated in January and many residual issues have been reintroduced in new bills. Among them are:
- HR89 which would extend CRSC for Chapter 61 retirees who were retired with less than 20 years of active service.
- HR303 which would eliminate the 10 year phase in period for 50%-90% CRDP and extend the <50% CRDP funding authorization
- HR333 is the all inclusive, comprehensive legislation for them all. (Contact your federal Representative and two Senators and asked them to pass this bill. – Ed.)
- (Expect to see many proposals during the “March Madness” conference committee calls. Any really important ones will be posted on our NNWA website for your info and action – Ed.)
Veterans’ Disability Benefits Commission has finally tabled its consideration of “buying out” disabled veterans with a one time lump-sum payment at a much reduced amount.
Retroactive Payment Plan has been approved and started for DFAS to pay over 100,000 military retirees who were short paid in both CRDP and CRSC. Call (877) 327-4457 for details.
Agent Orange exposure is now considered a presumptive cause for several diseases for Vietnam veterans who served in the so-called “blue water Navy”. That is, those who served off shore and did not step foot ashore in Vietnam. This is a decision by the US Court of Appeals revealed in the so-called “Haas Decision”. VA is appealing the decision, but for now it stands. While the list of presumptive diseases is very long, the most common is Adult Onset Type II Diabetes. So, if you:
- Served in the Navy or Marines off the coast of Vietnam, and
- Have earned the Vietnam Service Medal (or Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal – Vietnam), and
- Have Type II Diabetes (or any of the other rarer presumptive diseases), you are encouraged to file a claim with the VA immediately.
New Tricare Booklet is available. Call your regional Service Center or visit this website:
Tricare Pharmacy is adding 2 ADHD medicines, 2 cholesterol medicines, 2 contraceptives, 1 antifungal and 1 narcolepsy medication to Tier 3 status. They will no longer be available in military pharmacies and will now be $22 each for copay.
NDAA (2007) prohibits the increase of pharmacy copay amounts for Tricare and also prohibits higher Tricare enrollment fees. A one time standard enrollment fee was dropped. (Note this is for FY 2007 only and the Bush administration will no doubt reintroduce these increases again for FY 2008. – Ed.)
Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) for 2007 was set at 3.3% for military retired pays, VA benefits and Social Security benefits. The increases were effective as of 1 Dec 2006 and should be reflected in checks received 2 Jan 2007.
Veterans Bonuses are again under consideration by several States – latest update includes:
- South Dakota – $500 for service from 11/1993 to 9/10/2001 with certain medals earned and $1000 for all on active duty after 9/11/2001.
- Massachusetts – $500 for all with any active service and $1000 for those with Iraq/Afghanistan service.
- Pennsylvania – bills introduced in the State legislature are awaiting a vote and are expected to be passed.
Navy Lodge, Norfolk, VA has opened a new 100 room facility. Call (800) NAVYINN.
Passports are now required for EVERYONE who will FLY in or out of the US effective January 23, 2007. This includes travel to/from Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, Bahamas, and Caribbean islands. Travel by other means to the above destinations will require a Passport in the near future. (The story here is – get a passport. – Ed.)
Contact by email with your elected government representatives has undergone a change. It seems that they have been complaining that they are receiving too many emails and they can’t handle them all. So, many of them are installing screening devices on their email inboxes to make sure that the messages are from constituents and are not mechanically generated. You may be asked to solve a simple arithmetic problem in order to show that you are a human and not a machine. (You really don’t want my comment on this one. – Ed.)
I hope this information is of value to you.
Yours in service,
Chuck Weber
NNWA Service Officer
Webmaster Report
Our Navy Nuclear Weapons Association website is your window into our world. We attempt to keep up-to-date with the latest of our members, but only you can help us keep it accurate. Check the information on you on the roster. Is you name spelled correctly? If your address/phone/e-mail is listed, are they all correct? Let us know.
We do have a lot of reference material on the web site. One of the latest is a link to the 1959 edition of Principles of Guided Missiles and Nuclear Weapons, a publication that, for many of us, was one of our earliest introductions to nuclear weapons.
I am making slow progress of deleting the over 7,000 spammed entries in the Guestbook, but you can still get in and see some of the later entries.
Our website has had over 13,000 hits during the last year. Keep coming – and let me know of any way that the site can be improved for our Association.
Secretary Report
Navy Nuclear Weapons Association business meeting was held at The Wintergreen in The Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. The meeting was called to order at 0900 with all Board Members present except Ray Margeson and Lou Rivera, and attended by 44 members in good standing.
The President asked for all present to stand for the presentation of colors by the Baraboo American Legion Post 26. The opening prayer by Chaplain Phil Markin was followed by the pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. All present remained standing as Phil Markin conducted the 2-Bell ceremony to honor our shipmates who transferred to the Supreme Commander’s Staff: GMTC James R. Guy, CDR Kermit Taylor, GMTC Phil Stuant, GMTC Robert Swan Sr., Charles Lilly and GMTCM Don Fenstermacher.
The President called for introduction of new members: Ron Stegeman, Norm Ivers, Swede Jorgenson, Larry Barkheart, Robert Dykoski, Lonnie Cucinitti.
The minutes of the 2005 business meeting were read by the Secretary. The Secretary had no additional information to report.
The President entertained a motion to accept the minutes as read. A motion was made, seconded and vote carried to accept the minutes as read.
The President reported on the 2006 Association accomplishments as follows:
- An audit of the Association Funds by 2 members in good standing prior to the general meeting and they reported the financial report as complete and accurate. The President asked the Treasurer if there were any bills to be paid. He answered ‘yes’ but would not have an accurate account until after the reunion’s bill were settled. A motion was made and seconded to pay all outstanding bills.
- The President reported on the accomplishments during the last year.
- Creation of a SOP/Problem Resolution Document. This is approximate 90% complete.
- The Historian is developing a list of individuals who participated in the Nuclear Weapons Program. This is an on going project and all members were encouraged to participate.
- We are looking into procuring additional logo items for the membership.
- Work on the NNWA Reunion Planning Guide is complete. This guide will be reviewed after each reunion and changed as necessary.
- We increased our membership by 21 members in the last year.
- Procedures may be added to the website by Ray Margeson to help locate old shipmates.
The President then asked each board member to give their report:
a. Webmaster Ray Margeson was not present, but submitted his report to be read by the President:
- We have seen an increase in the online profile change feature of our website (phone numbers, addresses, and email changes).
- Email Address’: We use email to send out announcements and our news letters. When he gets returned email as invalid, he posts that on the web site so if you check and find your name there, please correct the email address.
- We are still averaging 10,000 hits on our website.
- Thanks to everyone who has supplied pictures, plaques and other items to be posted to make our web site better.
b. Secretary Dave Cobb:
- Talked of the need of those who do not have email to insure their snail mail address is up-to-date.
c. Service Officer Chuck Weber:
- VA loss of personal information. The lost computer was recovered and tested to determine if any of its contents had been compromised. The data was checked by the FBI which said it was ‘reasonably sure’ that the information was not compromised. Therefore, the VA has withdrawn its offer of free ID theft check.
- It was also noted that 14,000 Pennsylvania VA users and 34,000 Tricare users’ information was compromised. It is strongly suggested (if you don’t already know) how to check and monitor your credit.
- The Service Officer strongly suggested you keep abreast of changes going thru the Congress that affect us and let your representatives hear from you…
- 2007 Appropriation Bill is before congress. Details are still not clear.
- If you are over 65 and on Medicare (and probably Tricare for Life), check with your provider and make sure he is not in ‘the opt out’ of the Medicare system.
- It appears that the cost-of-living adjustment will be approximately under 4%.
- For Viet Nam Vets: A sailor won a battle with the VA to allow ‘offshore’ sailors to become eligible for benefits related to various sicknesses caused by agent orange. Most importantly, if you have Type II Diabetes and were in Vietnam, visit your VA representative as soon as you get home and file a claim.
d. The Historian’s Report:
- Reported he has obtained plastic containers to contain the 856 pounds of memorabilia that is displayed for the reunion.
- This is the last time this much memorabilia will be displayed. It will be tailored to each reunion.
- The weapon models are showing signs of wear. We need volunteers to restore worn and broken displays.
- As people donate items to the display, please indicate what the item is or where it was used. We have several pieces that are unidentified. If you see something unlabeled and know what it is, please let me know.
- We are still compiling lists of people in the Nuclear Weapons Program. If you have orders or other administrative items, please consider adding to the history of this organization.
- ‘Name this Person’ section will soon appear on the website. If you recognize the person, please indicate this information.
The President thanked Bill and Corinne Beard for all their efforts in organizing this year’s reunion. The membership gave them a big Bravo Zulu for their outstanding efforts.
The president also thanked the ladies who manned the registration desk: Jody Hart and Jackie Norris.
Anyone who does not down-load their pictures to the photographer tonight, please download to Bill’s website.
Each attending member will be provided with a CD of the reunion pictures. This cost will be paid by the NNWA.
As the first order of new business the President announced that 5 positions were open on the board and up for election by the Membership. He informed the Membership that, in accordance with the By-Laws, the following Officer positions were also up for election by the new Board during the Board Meeting to follow the general meeting: President, Chaplain, Master-At-Arms, Service Officer and Member at large. He then turned the gavel over to the Nominations and Elections Chairman Chuck Weber to conduct appropriate nominations and elections.
Chuck provided an overview of the responsibilities of being a Board member, followed by nomination and voting procedures. He informed the membership that Jim Hambley, Chuck Weber and Lou Rivera agreed to remain on the board if reelected, and strongly recommended their reelection. Three calls were made for nominations for each of the five open board member positions. Five separate nominees accepted. They were: Jim Hambley, David Cobb, Chuck Weber, Sid Hart and Lonnie Cucinitti. These 5 nominees accepted. Chairman Weber requested a motion from the floor stipulating the Secretary cast a ballot in favor of each nominee representing the unanimous consent of the Membership. Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously.
The President announced the 23rd (2007) NNWA Reunion will be in the Eastern Region, at Niagara Falls, hosted by Ray and Mary Margeson. He provided a handout that was developed by Ray Margeson announcing the Niagara Falls reunion. Because of new security procedures, those who do not have a passport, should strongly consider getting one as we will be staying on the US side at Niagara, but will have tours to the Canada side.
The 24th (2008) Reunion will be in the Western Region. John Gray volunteered to host this reunion in the Seattle, Washington area.
The President opened the floor for suggestions for the 25th reunion, which will be in the central region. Texas was suggested. Lonnie Cucinitti volunteered to host the 2009 reunion in Dallas, Texas. There was no other location suggested.
There being no further New Business, the President called for the closing prayer and adjourned the meeting at 10:45
David L. Cobb
Spalling and Exudate: The NNWA Historians Report
What a wonderful time in Wisconsin!!! I never imagined the Ringling Bros. – Barnum and Bailey circuses originated and wintered over in Baraboo, home of our reunion hosts Bill and Corinne Beard. Seeing the magnificent Whooping Cranes, brought back from the brink of extinction in my lifetime, was an honest emotional experience. And how about Elvis and his card sharp buddy! Weren’t they great? All that paled, though, when compared to meeting shipmates I hadn’t seen since leaving Kitty Hawk in 1963. Some I didn’t recognize immediately, but the years melted away as conversations recounted liberty in Philadelphia and night loadings using check sheets with RED “notes, warnings and cautions”. Think about that sailors.
Frank Kelly says we have 560+ members and I believe it. There were many new faces in Wisconsin Dells and several new gents who told me they were coming but for one reason or another couldn’t join us. Our advertising and word-of-mouth seems to be paying off. I suggest you contact your old shipmates and urge them to join the association. You will enjoy talking to them, they will enjoy hearing of old friends, and the organization will be better for it.
We displayed more than 850 lbs of memorabilia in Wisconsin. The displays have grown as a result of your contributions and we thank you for each and every item. Keep them coming! There are flags, cruise books, photos, plaques, models, books and technical documents, pieces and parts, and many new additions to the written history. While all the “things” are interesting and important, I believe the most significant items in our collection are the written personal histories. As always, I strongly urge you to write of your experiences. You are unique and your children, your grandchildren, and the association would like to know what you did and what you thought about your life in the Navy Special Weapons Program.
Finally, here is an e-mail excerpt received from a new member with some thoughts on how everyone might participate in and enjoy the world of internet and e-mail.
Hey Shipmates,
I’m a new recruit to the NNWA and look forward to meeting many of you at upcoming reunions. One of the first things I did when I signed into your website was to read the bulletins to come up to speed. I really enjoyed the historical section by Mike Snyder and the personal history of LCDR Roy Norman.
I mentioned to Mike that it would be nice if there could be a more periodic blog posted on the site that all the members could access. (Whether you know it or not), every one of you have access to the website and the bulletins. There are numerous places to go to use the internet and many of them, such as your local library, are free to all users. If you are new to computers, have someone show you the basics and before you know it you will be out there with the best of them; it is easier than wading through SWOP 40-54!
I encourage all of you get an email address. There are a couple of sites like and where you can (establish an e-mail address) and begin receiving emails at your discretion. This will also enable you to place your email address on your personal info in the Membership Roster and begin hearing from old shipmates you may have long since forgotten. This has happened already for me and I have only been a member for a month. I believe the only stipulation for some of these email sites is that you access your e-mail at least once a month.
Hope to see all of you out here soon. God bless you all. Donn Green
Mike Snyder
Treasurer Report
Let me welcome our new members that have joined our organization since our last newsletter.
Ivers, Norman E. Williams, Michael A. Dykoski, Robert E
Evans, David J. Stegeman, Ronald A. Morgan, Ralph H.
Kimble, Philip J. Reid, David Bevacqua, Anthony S.
Wuestling, Warren W. Gath, Benard S. Digby, Edward J.
Stuparich, G. Niclolas Green, Donn E. Boot, Richard N.
Case, Joseph B. Grabow, Thomas C. Ronald E. Harris
Gerald K. “Robie” Roberson
We now have 560 members on our membership roster, which includes 37 life members (spouses of deceased members) 150 of our members are in the arrears for two or more years. These members have been placed in the inactive status. They will not be removed from the membership roster. This will be the last newsletter they will receive until their dues are brought up to date. If you are unsure if your dues are up to date and receive your newsletter by mail, the date on the upper right corner of the mailing label shows you the month and year through which your dues are paid. If you receive your newsletter electronically and wish to know your dues are due log onto our website The last column on the right of the membership roster tells you your dues due date. Some of our members find it convenient to pay several years in advance. This can save you postage and the treasurer lots of time. Membership is $10.00 per year. If you are listed in the inactive section and wish to reinstate your membership Send $10.00 reinstatement fee plus $10.00 annually for each year you wish to pay your dues. This is an effective policy due to the cost of mailing newsletters and reunion information. A current membership roster is posted on our website. Members not on line may request a hard copy of the membership roster by calling or writing Frank M. Kelly, 1087 Frank Kelly Rd, Society Hill, SC, 29395, 843-378-4026. For the association survival, it is imperative that we keep our membership roster up to date. Please review the roster, notify the Treasurer or any of the board members of any changes to be made.
Inactive Members
The followings members have been placed in the inactive status due to non- payment of dues. Contact was lost with these members for many reasons, change of physical address, e-mail address, telephone number, because of sickness, or to their demise. It would be greatly appreciated if the membership could help us in any way in locating these members. Information that we have is listed on the membership roster. If you know the status of any of these inactive members contact Frank M. Kelly 1087 Frank Kelly Rd. Society Hill, SC 843-378-4026 or any member of the board.
Anchondo, Oscar Anderson, Archie J. Armstead, James C.
Armstrong, Wayne K. Barkley, John E. Barnes, Wayne G.
Beddingfield, Billy J. Bindoni, Clarence J. Brady, Robert P.
Brewer, C.R. (Bob) Brown lll O. Davis Burns, David G.
Call, Elton Call, Randy B. Cavey, Morris
Chaffee, Michael P. Chitwood, Jessie J. Clark, Richard H.
Coleman, Richard L. Cook, Darrell G. Cordoza, Michael A.
Cox, Jr. Fred M. Crawford, William D. Brown, Louis (Bill)
Cupp, Richard D. Currin, Dillard H. Curtis, Robert K.
Daigle, Robert P. Daniels, Robert “Jack” Davis, Stephens Paul
Dexter, Ronald (Max) Diamond, George H. Dickens, Ronald T.
Dornan, Melvin C. Dougan, Jr. Ralph Duffield, Jr. Alden W.
Dusenberry, Ronald D. Eckel, Karl M. Eltringham, Norman (Skip)
Ethridge, Wally Fager, Justin (Jud) Featherstone, Jimmy J.
Ferrier, Danny M. Fries, Michael E. Gibson, Mark J.
Gilchrist, William R. Gillip, Ray R. Gilliam, Jerry L.
Gladysz, David M. Goering, Rollie K. Gordon, Harold L.
Graham, James R. Gross, Bobby H. Harrell, John W. (Buck)
Harris, Terry L. Hartmann, O. Lee
Hawkins, Raymond D. Hefferman, Stephen F. Hensor, William(Bill)
Hunt, James (Jim) E. Hofmann, Frederick R. Jarvis, Thomas E.
Hyatt, Gerald D. Johnson, Lawernce R. Jolly, Gayle F.
Kalinski, Authur D. Kearns, James F. Klampher, Rudolph
Kulis, Louis F. Larson, Don A. Layne, Michael A.
Leonard, Michael A. Linscott, Bill Lucero, Arthur R.
Mackenzie, Kenneth J. Martin, John W. Mattingly, Charles E.
McAllister, Edward Meline, William H. Miley, John L GM-1(sw)
Miller, Dale L. Montfort, Bill Moody, Dennis R.
Moore, Sr. Wilford K. Morris, Michael L. Musci, Caroline (Carry)
Noll, Jerry L. Osborne, Roy (Oz) Padilla, Nicholas S.
Palmer, Carlton L. Perez, Richard K. Picoult, Paulette (Osborne)
Pierce, James E. Pierce, Robert E. Potter, William L.
Rabb, Lowell M. Reinertsen, Frederick Reynolds, Ted W.
Richardson, Grady Richison, Eugene Ries, Edward M.
Ritter, R.J. Rivenburg, Lynn T. Romond, Rich
Rome, Jr. George J. Roper, Ridge Rosensteel, Harry J.
Sanders, Billy W. Sanders, Ralph A. Sassenger, Dennis R.
Savage, Norman R. Shook, Wayne R. Sibley, Robert E.
Smith, David P. Sooy, Richard A. St. Clair, James R.
Steele, Raymond Stoddard, Jr. William H Stolz, Leon D.
Strong, Donald C Tanner, William E. Sr. Taylor, Ralph
Tennyson, Clifford L. Terrell, Jr. Gerald O. Terry, William E.
Tichacek, Russ Trevino, Gilbert N. Tucker, Robert E.
Tucker, Russell A. Urbin, Steven C. Watts, George G.
Waymire, Don Weaver, Raymond L. Welsh,Timothy J.
White, James S. White, William J. Wickham James G,
Williams, David E. William, Russell V. Wood, Norman R.
Woods, Larry W. Wylie, Earl T. Yount, William
Financial Report
We now have $19,197.00 on deposit with Wachovia and no outstanding Bills.
Frank M. Kelly
The 23rd Annual Reunion will be in Niagara Falls, New York, September 19-23, 2007.
Check for the latest information.
Want a romantic 2nd honeymoon?
Want to see one of the most famous natural wonders in the US?
Then plan on attending
Niagara Falls, NY
On September 19-23, 2007
We will be staying at the Quality Hotels & Suites a short block from the Niagara Falls State Park (the oldest State Park in the Country) and a block from the Seneca Niagara Casino. Reunion rates will be extended 3 days prior and 3 days after the Reunion.
Tentative tours will include Niagara Falls, the Maid of the Mist, the Cave of the Winds, Fort Niagara, Buffalo Naval Park and Lockport NY for locks on the famous Erie Canal that first opened the West.
Final details will be coming in June so Standby.