Bowfin Park - Pearl Harbor
From 1959 though 1964 Regulus was the Submarine Launched Retaliatory Missile in the Pacific.
The Regulus Missile
Deterrent Strike Force
Operated from Submarine
Base, Pearl Harbor, under
The Operational Control of
Commander Submarine Force,
Pacific Fleet, and was
Supported By Guided Missile
Unit 10. Less than 800 Men
And Their Fight Ready
Submarines Maintained
Their Warheads within
Minutes of Assigned Targets
Under the Most Arduous
Conditions. They Undertook
A Most Difficult And
Challenging Task and Saw It
To A Successful Conclusion
This Memorial is dedicated to
Those Submariners and
Their Boats Who, For Five
Years, Carried The Shield.
from the Guided Missile Unit 10 Collection
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