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Host: Paulette Picoulet & McAlester Group - (10/9 - 10/12/2003)

Bob, Linda, Sabra, Bill, Sandy & Tom
Norma and Bill Snapp
Nina and Bill Grizzard
Bob & Laurie McGee
Board of Directors & Spouses
Solveig & Charles Ross
In the Hospitality Suite
On the Branson Belle
Still in the Hospitality Suite
Our Guest Speaker
Chuck Purdie, Debbie, John O'Malia and Nancy
Chow Down at the Dinner Dance
Dave & Shirley Schiffman
Bill & Dar Meline
Ed & Jo MacDonald
Jack & Marge Grieves
Desert Bums from Lake Mead Base
W-Div - USS Kitty Hawk
Small Part of History Display
Susan - Our "Best Friend in Branson"
Bill & Sabra Filbert
Ed & Sharon Krenk
Jim Hambley & Kitty
John Paul and Janet Jones
Jud & Pat Fager
Mike & Jean Snyder
Milford & Vicky Stanley
Odell & Marrieta Love
Thumbs Up! from the Prez
Two good-looking ladies and Roger Lankford
Walter & Martha Webb