Michael D. Snyder | President | (415) 456-2876 | |
Tom Salisbury | Secretary | (360)254-5244 | |
Guy Clemons | Historian | | |
Jack Grieves | Storekeeper | (352)347-5269 | |
Edward Krenk | Chaplain | (402) 289-3291 | |
Chuck Weber | Service Officer | |
Frank Cantrell | Vice President | (864)859-3056 | |
Frank Kelly | Treasurer | (843) 378-4026 | |
Ray Margeson | Webmaster | (607) 732-0579 | |
Ron Moran | Master-at-Arms | (702) 431-2712 | |
John Gray | Director | (360) 895-3188 | |
The Navy Nuclear Weapons Bulletin is produced by the Association’s Board of Directors and is distributed free to NNWA members. Edited by Tom Salisbury
June 2014 NNWA President’s Report
2014 reunion in Reno, NV: Our host, Diana Ballard, an Associate NNWA member, has worked overtime to arrange an interesting and enjoyable reunion from 5 through 10 October in Reno, NV. In addition to staying at the downtown Reno Ramada while visiting with friends and shipmates we will tour Virginia City, Lake Tahoe, the Donner Museum, and the eastern slope of the spectacular Sierra’s. Local attractions include the National Automobile Museum, the Museum of Art, casinos, and a dinner show. For more detailed information see our website The Reno Reunion reservation form is attached to this newsletter. We’re looking for a good turn-out at what promises to be a thoroughly entertaining event. Sign-up now! You won’t regret it.
2015 Reunion: We thought we had 2015 nailed down for San Antonio, TX but our prospective host and Kitty Hawk shipmate, Lonnie Cucinitti, has experienced some serious health issues that will preclude him from hosting the 2015 reunion. So we’re back to the position we were in this time last year and find ourselves without a host or reunion site. The 2015 reunion is scheduled for the Central part of the country, from North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin south to Texas and Louisiana. That covers a lot of territory with a fair number of our members in residence. Please seriously think about identifying a reunion venue and acting as host. The Board of Directors is ready to stand behind you with moral and financial support and proven reunion guidelines. There are also a number of past hosts whom you can question about the process. We hope to announce the 2015 reunion host and site in Reno. We’re also trying to identify a few candidates for the East Coast reunion in 2016. Please consider this too!
Personal Biographies: This may sound like an old song, but I believe it to be of great importance. As members of the once highly classified Navy Nuclear Weapons Program in the fifty years from 1947 to 1996, it is imperative that you record your experiences for posterity. For years we didn’t talk about our jobs. We didn’t tell our family what we did aboard ship and in the depots, or what we learned in school. We hardly spoke about the men and women with whom we worked. Didn’t anyone ever ask you, as my kids asked me, “What did you do in the Navy, Daddy?” We all need to write about our experiences and get on paper the things we did and saw. As a Naval SEA Systems Command contract manager once told me, “If it isn’t written, it doesn’t exist”. In our cases, that couldn’t be truer. Our experiences are unique and our memories are perishable. A history can be as simple as a list of commands and duties or as detailed as some of our members who have written virtual books about their time in the special weapons program. Writing your biography is personally rewarding, your family will be pleased with your endeavor, and, should you decide to donate it, the NNWA Historian and all the readers far into the future will appreciate your service and your effort at recording it. Take a look at the memorabilia collection and the histories there. You can do as well! Just for the record, I’m up to about page 50 on my piece, “Special Weapons, Special People”.
Ladies Participation in the NNWA: The NNWA Board of Directors wants to officially go on record and ask for increased participation in NNWA activities by our spouses and children. Over the years the Board has received sporadic comments, inputs, and a few complaints from that group and has acted on many of these, mostly, by modifying our reunion activities. Though our spouses and children are generally not NNWA voting members, we believe increased active participation by them can only lead to a more robust organization. A prime example is Diana Ballard, an Associate Member, and our 2014 reunion host without whom we would be in real trouble. Accordingly, the NNWA Board of Directors cordially invites all reunion attendees to join us at our Business Meeting, offer comments from the floor, and generally begin to exercise a greater influence on the proceedings of the NNWA. Our 2014 Business Meeting will convene at 9AM on Friday, 9 October in the Reno Ramada hospitality room. We are looking forward to seeing many new faces in the room.
Membership: Since October 2013 the current Board of Directors, primarily the Secretary, Treasurer, and Webmaster, has actively contacted members whose dues are in arrears or are past members who have not paid dues in three or more years. Initially they were contacted by letter, then e-mail and telephone as necessary. There are now 375 persons in those categories. Unfortunately, we have learned of six members that have passed away. They have been listed on the website memorial page. But the effort has also paid off by having approximately twenty people inquire about reinstatement. If the NNWA is to remain a viable organization into the foreseeable future everyone needs to act as a recruiter by contacting friends and shipmates and telling them about the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association.
Board of Directors: The current Board of Directors consists of twelve positions (one now vacant). Six of these expire each year and are filled from the existing Board and with new nominations. All six must be re-elected by a majority of members present at the annual business meeting. Any member in good standing can and should be a Board member. Due to our geographic distribution, Board members must be computer literate to enable participation in activities conducted over the internet. The Board is constantly looking for new members to fill empty positions or relieve long-standing members of their duties. This year is no exception. Please consider volunteering for a position on the BOD. You will enjoy the involvement with NNWA governance and the membership will be rewarded with the attentions of an interested and active director.

Book Review: Among the members of the NNWA there are several published authors whose books we have featured in past newsletters and at reunions. We now have one more to report; this offering from Eric (Rick) Campbell. This spring St. Martin’s Press published his submarine thriller, “The Trident Deception”. Quoted here is one of the universally favorable critiques this fiction novel has received.
“A terrific thriller debut. Campbell does an amazing job, balancing character interaction with high-octane action. This is the best novel about a submarine since Tom Clancy’s classic The Hunt for Red October (1984).”
— Jeff Ayers, Booklist (starred review)
Based on the initial reception and the critic’s reviews, I recommend “The Trident Deception” to you.
LCDR Mike Snyder, USN (Ret)
President, NNWA
Vice Presidents Message
I have noticed that we have had a good amount of not only new members, but several past members amongst our ranks. Welcome to the NNWA. It seems that our organization gets better every year and it is because of you. I would like to echo Mike’s words regarding the forth coming election which will be conducted at our Reno business meeting. Guy Clemons will be heading up our Nominations and Elections Committee and will lay out some more specifics further in this newsletter. One of my primary responsibilities on the board of directors is to maintain the By-Laws and the SOP/PDL. If anyone has recommendations or questions regarding these two documents please contact me.
Frank Cantrell
Vice President
Treasurers Report
As the Treasurer and Keeper of the Roster, let me welcome our new and reinstated members since the last newsletter. We have 25 new and reinstated for 2014.
- Cearlock, Melissa
- Walker, Jerry
- Beatty, Geoffry
- Bragg, Robert
- Norris, Donald
- Simons, George
- Morse, Thornton
- Crosslin, Joe
- Swanson, Calvin
- Meents, Scott
- Hecko, George
- Marcuzzo, Paul
- Gerig, Bruce
- Shook, Wayne
- Curtis, Robert (Ken)
- Watson, David
- Mauck, Dale
- Barnes, John
- Perry, Frank
- Wells Kenneth
- Benedict, Peter
- Jacobs, James
- Dunn, Robert
- Feldbrugge, Larry
- Dillon, lll Donald
We now have 748 members listed on the roster: 342 members in good standing, 43 life members, (spouses of deceased members) 254 past members, (members with unpaid dues for three or more years), 108 members with dues in arrears, 1 Honorary member, (NAAV) and 1 Gray Dragon who is relieved of annual dues. Past members will not receive news letters or reunion information until their dues are brought up to date. Membership is $10.00 per year. Past members can be reinstated by sending $10.00 reinstatement fee plus $10.00 for each year they wish to pay their dues. This is an effective policy due to the cost of mailing newsletters and reunion information. If you are unsure whether your dues are up to date and receive your newsletters by mail, the date in the upper right corner of the mailing shows the month and year to which your dues are paid. If you receive your newsletters electronically and wish to know your dues date: log onto our website (www.navynucweps,com). The dues date will be listed in the date column on the right of your name on the membership roster. Some members find it convenient to pay their dues several years in advance. This can save you postage and the Treasurer, Secretary, and the Webmaster a considerable amount of time in processing payments.
The current membership roster is posted on our website ( Members not on line can request a hard copy by calling or writing Frank M. Kelly, 1087 Frank Kelly Rd, Society Hill , S.C. 29593 PH# 843-378-4026. Again, for our survival it is imperative that we keep our roster up to date. Please review the roster and notify the Treasurer or any member of the board of any change of your status.
We now have $23,043.51 on deposit with Wells Fargo with no outstanding debts.
Frank Kelly
Secretary’s Report
This has been a very busy time since our last communication. The largest project has been to try and touch base with members who for whatever reason have drifted away from the organization. The first phase was to send out over 250 letters to past members. For those letters which returned with no forwarding address an attempt was made to contact the member via email address of record. We have had measured success but still have many members with no response. At our next reunion I will bring the latest update on our search with the hope that you members may know the whereabouts of the missing shipmates.
I am also responsible for mailing out our “snail mail” newsletters. During our last mail out I had an inordinate number of letters come back from the Life Member community with no forwarding address. Do any of you have any knowledge of the whereabouts of the following individuals? Any information will be very helpful.
Lillian Hunt, Sandy Polson, Lillian Giblin, Lee Newman and Carol Baynes.
A lot of effort and planning has gone into the Reno reunion and it promises to be a very good one. I look forward to seeing my old shipmates and finally meeting the many new and reinstated members I have had the privilege to communicate with throughout the year.
Tom Salisbury
Service Officer
This Service Officer report does not contain specific information accumulated over time as in earlier printed newsletters. The NNWA has shifted to an all-digital reporting system where Veterans information is made available as it arises and changes made to keep articles current. I would invite members to bring their individual questions regarding Veterans benefits to the reunion this year. A time will be available after the meet and greet on Monday at a location to be determined.
Chuck Weber
Service Officer
2014 Board of Directors Nominations Notice
The NNWA Bylaws require that half of our Board of Directors positions must stand for election each year.
Unless some of you step forward, there will be no one to run the business of NNWA and to prepare for reunions. NNWA is a corporation with many legal requirements placed on it. The Directors ensure that these are done. Continuous communications flow among the Directors and many resolutions are passed by them each year. All of this requires that a Director must have, and know well how to use, email communications. Also, there will need to be significant pass down from outgoing officers to their incoming replacements.
This year there are six positions up for election. If you wish to be nominated for the Board, please let me know by Email at Please advise me not later than 15 August 2014.
Nominations will be re-opened at the annual business meeting and additional nominations may be made from the floor then. In order to be elected, a nominee will need to be present at the meeting OR they may submit a letter in advance to the Board stating that they are willing to accept the nomination for a position on the Board if they are unable to attend the meeting. Voting will occur under new business at the business meeting. Following the business meeting, the Board then meets to elect its open officer positions.
Again, there are two conditions precedent to being elected to the Board of Directors:
- The nominee must be a regular member in good standing with currently paid dues, and
- The nominee must have email capability (due to the electronic voting requirements of our incorporating State).
The strength of our Association lies in the strength of our members who are willing to volunteer their time to further our Association’s goals. If you are personally willing to serve our association, please do not hesitate to contact me.
For planning purposes, I will need to receive this contact by August 15th.
Nominations & Elections
Guy Clemons
The B57 nuclear bomb was a tactical nuclear weapon developed by the United States during the Cold War.
Entering production in 1963, as the Mk 57. The bomb was designed to be dropped from high-speed tactical aircraft. It had a streamlined casing to withstand supersonic flight. The bomb was 9 ft. 10 in. in length with a diameter of about 14.75 in. Basic weight was approximately 500 lbs.
Some versions of the B57 were equipped with a 12.5 ft. diameter nylon/Kevlar ribbon parachute. This slowed the weapon’s descent, allowing the aircraft to escape the blast. It also allowed the weapon to survive impact in the ground laydown mode at delivery altitudes as low as 50 ft. Various fusing modes were available, including a hydrostatic version for use as a depth charge for anti-submarine use.
The B57 was produced in six versions with explosive yields ranging from 5 to 20 kilotons (kt.). Mod 0 was 5 kt., Mod 1 and Mod 2 were 10 kt., Mod 3 and Mod 4 were 15 kt., and Mod 5 was 20 kt. For the U.S. Navy the depth bomb version of the B57 had a selectable yield up to 10 kt. This version replaced the Mk 101 (Lulu)
The B57 was produced from 1963 to 1967. After 1968, the weapon became known as the B57 rather than the Mk 57. A total of 3,100 weapons were built, the last of which was retired in June 1993.
The B57 could be deployed by most U.S. fighter, bomber and Navy antisubmarine warfare and patrol aircraft, and by some U.S. Navy helicopters. The B57 was also deployed with select allied countries at selected overseas bases.
Don’t forget to write your History of your time in the military and mail it to me so I can include it into our NNWA History.
Any questions please contact me.
Guy Clemons
OCTOBER 5TH – 10TH 2014
To make hotel reservations for your stay at the reunion site please call
1000 E 6th St, Reno, NV 89512 Reservations (775)-786-5151
Mention the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association Reunion for special rates
Sunday : Arrival day. Guests check into the hotel and with the reunion committee. There will be a small free light buffet dinner provided in the evening in the hospitality suite.
Monday : At 1000, Welcome all, meet and greet old shipmates. Introduction of first-timers. Discussion of reunion daily events and schedules. The NNWA President, Mike Snyder, will present an audio-visual show on the history of the Navy Nuclear Weapons Program. The NNWA Board of Directors meeting will convene following the meet and greet. The afternoon is free to converse with old friends, review the memorabilia, take in the sites, or put your feet up and relax over snacks and drinks. The evening will feature a dinner in the hospitality suite.
Tuesday : We will travel to Virginia City. Enroute we will stop at Gold Hill, site of Nevada’s first Hotel and Gold Mill. This is followed by a train ride through American Flats and its gold mine then on to Virginia City. Busses will take us to local Church Museum. For those who wish, there will be shuttle busses to take us up to Main St. to view the local color, souvenir-shop, and wet your whistle at the watering holes. About two hours later the busses will ferry us up to Pipers Opera House for a show and an all home-made dinner. There will be a snack aboard the train. Dinner will be served at the Opera House at 4 PM.
The main course dinner menu is:
- Rosemary Roasted Pork Loin
- Baked Chicken
- Sautéed Apples
- Roasted Seasonal Vegetables tossed with white truffle oil
- Garlic Mashed Potatoes with gravy
- Tossed Green Salad
- Assorted Rolls and Garlic bread
For desert there will be:
Pumpkin bread pudding with dried cranberries and a spiced rum sauce
White chocolate lemon curd bread pudding with a raspberry sauce
Diabetics may request Home-made New York style Cheese cake baked especially for them.
Wednesday : We take a bus trip to view the spectacular eastern slope of the Sierra Mountains and beautiful Lake Tahoe. A side trip will take us to Truckee and the Donner Museum where you will learn about the ill-fated Donner Party of Pioneers and their terrible winter of 1846 – 1847. There will be additional stops like at Tahoe City, Kings Beach, and a bridge overlook where huge trout may be viewed. The tour will include a stop for lunch and lunch choices are included on the reservation form page 2. This will be a full day
Thursday : We will visit the nearby National Automobile Museum followed by the Dinner Show “Spectra” at the El Dorado hotel and casino. Here’s the link
Friday : At 0900 NNWA members and ladies, should they wish to attend, will meet in the Hospitality Room to conduct our annual business meeting. We will honor our fallen, present the status of the Association, and elect a new slate of officers. As usual, our Service Officer will bring us up on the latest legislative and Veterans Affairs that are relevant. The afternoon is free for visiting and wandering. In the evening we will join on the 17th floor in our “finest” to enjoy the dinner dance. By popular request, we will have a DJ provide music vice a live band. Everyone polled thought a DJ was more controllable in volume and music selections.
Diner choices are:
- Chicken Marsala: Tender breast of chicken seared and smothered with classic brown sauce garlic and marsala wine.
- Rib Eye Steak: USDA choice Rib Eye grilled to perfection and served with steak butter.
- Seafood Fettuccine: Fresh seafood in a butter garlic sauce with spinach and sun dried tomatoes.
- Vegetable Platter: Assorted grilled seasonal vegetables nestled in fettuccine.
All entrees are accompanied by salad, rolls, and seasonal vegetables, with the chef’s choice of starch servings and dessert. Water, coffee (regular and decaf) and iced tea will be served.
(For diabetics there is home-made cheese cake)
The 2014 Reno Reunion is being hosted by:
Diana & Dennis Ballard
526 Ashcroft Dr.
Spring Creek, NV 89815
Reservation Form – Page 1
Navy Nuclear Weapons Association 28th Annual Reunion
Reno, NV
5 – 10 October 2014
Fully complete this form and submit to Treasurer at the address below. You can make your hotel reservations at the Reno Ramada by calling the following number and mentioning the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association: 1- 775-786-5151.
Reunion Registration Fee (NNWA Member) | $25.00___ |
NNWA Dues (in arrears) (See web-site roster) ($10.00 per year) or advance dues | $ _______ |
Tuesday, Oct 7: Virginia City Tour Number attending ____ @: $65.00 per |
$ _______ |
Wednesday, Oct 8: Lake Tahoe, Donner Tour Number attending ____ @: $50.00 per MENU SELECTIONS ON NEXT PAGE |
$ _______ |
hursday, Oct 9: Local Reno, NV Tour National Automobile Museum followed by a Dinner Show Number attending ____ @: $65.00 per |
$ _______ |
Friday, Oct 10: NNWA Dinner Dance at 1800
Cash bar throughout evening. Dinner Choices are all $35.00 Vegetable platter served with entrees:
Dinner Selection | Number | Price |
Chicken Marsala | _____ | $ _______ |
Rib Eye Steak | _____ | $ _______ |
Seafood Fettuccine | _____ | $ _______ |
Vegetable Platter | _____ | $ _______ |
(Diabetic Cheese cake) | _____ | $ _______ |
Grand Total Reunion Cost $_______
How many reunions have you attended? _____ Will you require disability assistance Y or N
Would you like to help make this year’s reunion another success by volunteering in one of the areas below?
Running the Hospitality Suite _____
Helping at the Registration Desk _____
Running errands for supplies _____
Member Name__________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP __________________________Phone (___)-____________
Spouse/Guest(s) _______________________________________________
Complete this form and send check for Grand Total by mail no later than
August 15th, 2014
To: NNWA Treasurer Frank Kelly, 1087 Frank Kelly Road, Society Hill, SC 29593
Reservation Form – Page 2
Navy Nuclear Weapons Association 28th Annual Reunion
Reno, NV
5 – 10 October 2014
Lunch Selections per person for Lake Tahoe Tour Wednesday, Oct. 8
Entrée – Choose one
o Chicken Caesar Salad with roll or
o Sandwich (Choose one meat and one bread type)
o Ham o Roast Beef o Turkey o Chicken Salad
o White bread o Wheat bread o Sourdough
Side dish – Choose one
o Potato salad o Cole Slaw o Fresh fruit o Pasta Salad
Drink – Choose one
o Water o Spite o Coke o Diet Coke o Iced Tea
Cookie – Choose one
o Chocolate Chip o Oatmeal Cranberry
Entrée – Choose one
o Chicken Caesar Salad with roll
o Sandwich (Choose one meat and one bread type)
o Ham o Roast Beef o Turkey o Chicken Salad
o White bread o Wheat bread o Sourdough
Side dish – Choose one
o Potato salad o Cole Slaw o Fresh fruit o Pasta Salad
Drink – Choose one
o Water o Spite o Coke o Diet Coke o Iced Tea
Cookie – Choose one
o Chocolate Chip o Oatmeal Cranberry