NNWA Board Members 2014-2015
President | Tom Salisbury | 360-254-5244 | president@navynucweps.com |
Vice President | Frank Cantrell | 864-787-2322 | vicepresident@navynucweps.com |
Secretary | John Gray | 360-895-3188 | secretary@navynucweps.com |
Treasurer | Frank Kelly | 843-378-4026 | treasurer@navynucweps.com |
Chaplain | Rev. Randall D. Scallan | 713-582-1617 | inspectionleader@gmail.com |
Master-at-Arms | Ron Moran | 702-431-2712 | maa@navynucweps.com |
Historian | Guy Clemons | 317-709-0565 | historian@navynucweps.com |
Webmaster | Ray C. Margeson | 607-732-0579 | boardmember2@navynucweps.com |
Storekeeper | Jack Grieves | 352-347-5269 | boardmember1@navynucweps.com |
Director | Dwight Chipperfield | 308-760-6273 | boardmember4@navynucweps.com |
Director | Cameron Shearon | 919-219-9768 | boardmenber3@navynucweps.com |
Past President | Mike Snyder | boardmember6@navynucweps.com |
Service Officer: Chuck Weber
Gray Dragon: John Cummings
President’s Message
Greetings fellow Dragon Keepers;
2015 San Antonio, TX Reunion: Our host and hostess Randy and Liz Scallan have spent a lot of time and effort in putting together a reunion that promises to be fun and memorable. Liz has been relentless in getting us the best that San Antonio has to offer and at a price that we can afford. Attached to the newsletter are descriptions of the scheduled tours. As you will see we will be pretty busy on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday tour the great state of Texas. Liz has included website information so you can preview the places we will be visiting.
On Sunday October 11th at 1800 continue the sign in process and gather in the Hospitality Suite. We will enjoy a light evening meal consisting of meats, cheeses, fruits and veggies. Turn in early or stay up late. There is no tour scheduled for Monday. On Monday at 1000 gather in the Hospitality Room for a Meet and Greet. We have scheduled a guest speaker who will provide us with an unclassified update on the nuclear weapons field to cover changes from 1996 until today. I have to believe that this is going to be very informative and interesting. Following our meeting the Ladies Group will be holding a brief planning meeting.
On Monday the 12th at 1800 we will hold Welcome/Ice Breaker in the Hospitality Room. We will be providing a complimentary Pizza Party. All Hands are encouraged to enjoy food, refreshments and to renew old friendships.
2016 Reunion: Our 2016 NNWA reunion will be held in Indianapolis, IN. Guy and Regenia Clemons will be our 2016 host and hostess. Planning and meetings have already taken place and by our San Antonio reunion we will have additional details.
Personal Biographies: One of our outstanding goals for the past several years was to collect and document as many people as possible who participated in the Navy nuclear weapons program. We have made many appeals for copies of orders, cruise books, etc. Our purpose is to develop a master list of everyone who was in the NW program, whether they served only one enlistment or a 30 year career. This year we were able to get our program up and running. Melissa Cearlock stepped forward and volunteered to set up our Access computer program. Melissa we thank you for your many hours and technical expertise. My thanks also goes out to Ray Margeson and Guy Clemons for your extra effort and time you have put into making our new program viable. BZ to all three of you!
Ladies Participation in the NNWA: For this past Mother’s Day Bethany Gray mailed out Mother’s Day cards to all of our 46 Life Members. Thank you for this thoughtful gesture.
As previously mentioned, there will be a meeting of interested ladies on Monday 12 October. Bethany Gray will be heading up the meeting. I encourage the NNWA ladies to attend the meeting with Beth. I also would like to extend an invitation to all of the ladies to attend our Friday, October 16th business meeting.
Board of Directors: At our business meeting on October 16th we will once again be holding an election for new board members. I encourage you to step forward and volunteer for a board position. Any regular member in good standing may be on the board. Due to our far flung locations all board members must be computer literate to enable participation in board activities conducted over the internet. Please consider volunteering for a position on the BOD.
Tom Salisbury
NNWA President

Vice-President’s Message
I welcome all new and reinstated members. Please feel free to contact me at my email address above anytime if I may assist you.
NOTICE: Your President, Board of Directors and I have been hard at work on long overdue changes and updates to our By-Laws and SOP/PDL. The By-Laws changes are to be voted on at the general membership meeting at the 2015 reunion in San Antonio, TX. Here is a summary of that work:
The NNWA By-Laws proposed changes are as follows:
Article IV, Section 2-A:
Article IV, Section 2, Eligibility.
The Regular Members of the Corporation shall be composed of active, retired or inactive members of the Navy and Marine Corps who were attached to the Navy Administrative Unit, Navy Special Weapons Units #471, #802 or #1233;
or any member of the Navy, Marine Corps, Navy Civil Service, or Support Contractor who received basic or advanced training in the operational use, support, assembly, disassembly, maintenance, repair, calibration, inspection, loading, or delivery of nuclear weapons;
or was attached to the Defense Atomic Support Agency (DASA), Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), Special Weapons Unit Atlantic/Pacific (SWULANT/SWUPAC), NWTCPAC, NWTCLANT, NWTGPAC, NWTGLANT, WTGPAC, WTGLANT;
or was assigned to a naval command and holding a primary billet and Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) critical position supporting nuclear weapons capabilities, including technical operations, maintenance;
or was designated in a nuclear weapons position that had access and technical knowledge, or controlled the launch or use of nuclear weapons.
Section 3. Duties. H Service Officer.
The position of Service Officer may be an appointed position, as prescribed in Article X below, and as such will not fall into the regular election cycle. The option to serve as an appointed board member will be based upon a mutual agreement between the individual and the sitting board members. Normal appointments will be made for a duration of two years.
Chuck Weber, who is our current Service Officer, has agreed to remain in this position for as long as we need him.
NNWA SOP/PDL: Changes to these documents are not required to be voted on by the general membership, but I would like to inform you that we have made several changes to these documents to reflect how we are actually doing things, as well as an update on the guidelines. They will be published on our website soon by our very able webmaster.
All Hands, please review your copy or the online copies of these documents, and be prepared to vote on the By-Law changes. Please feel free to send me anything you find that should be corrected or changed.
I am looking forward to seeing you all in San Antonio, TX in October.
Secretary’s Message
Fellow Nuclear Weaponsmen,
The association’s annual reunion looks to be shaping up to be a good one. It is being hosted by Randy and Liz Scallan from 11-16 OCT 2015 in San Antonio. They have organized numerous interesting tours of the local area. I encourage you to reward their hard work by considering taking part in one or more of them. You can see some of the local area, socialize with fellow association members, and create some memories.
The Annual Business Meeting Minutes are available in the members section of the NNWA website. Our membership list and other items are also posted on the website in the “Members Only” area. This part of the website requires a password. If you do not have it please email myself or any other board member and we will send it to you. Members are encouraged to read the minutes to stay abreast of what your association is doing.
Planning is well underway for our 31st reunion in 2016, it will be held in:
- Region: Eastern US
- Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
- Host: Guy and Regenia Clemons
Back in 1998 I wrote a research paper on the NTPI process as it existed under WTG and how it evolved after the responsibility was transferred to COMSUBPAC. If you are interested it can be downloaded and read here:
All the Best,
Treasurer’s Message
- Haight, George G.
- Pesavento, Anthony R.
- Beausoleil, Leon P.
- Stephenson, Steven R.
- Grochulski, Frederick R.
- Treider, Craig L.
- Nelson, Harold G.
- Thomas, Richard L.
- Morrison, James B.
- Winter, Dennis D.
- Mackinnin, Gordon J.
- Morrison, James E.
- Cooper, George K.
- Terrell, JR. Gerald O.
- Cline, Stephen L.
- Eisenberg, John C.
- Zachary, Zackary Z.
- Kinkel, James E.
- Martin, Roger C.
- Miller, JR. James P.
- Jones, Charles F.
- Marsasti, Joseph A.
- Sutton, Daniel I.
- Steglin, Lance G.
- Perras, Richard A.
- Young, Denice R.
- Chandler, Mark
Past members do not receive news letters or reunion information until their dues are brought up to date. Membership is $10.00 per year. Past members can be reinstated by sending $10.00 reinstatement fee plus $10.00 for each year they wish to pay their dues. This is an effective policy due to the cost of mailing newsletters and reunion information.
If you are unsure whether your dues are up to date and receive your newsletter by mail. The date in the upper right corner of the mailing shows the month and year to which your dues are paid. If you receive your newsletter electronically and wish to know your dues date, log onto our website. The dues date will be listed in the date column on the right of your name on the membership roster. Some members find it convenient to pay their dues several years in advance. This can save you postage and the Treasurer, Secretary, and Web Master a considerable amount of time in processing payment.
The current membership is posted on our website. You may need a password to access certain parts of the website. The webmaster or any member of the board can provide you with the password. Members not on line can request a hard copy of the roster by calling or writing:
Frank M. Kelly
1087 Frank Kelly Rd
Society Hill, SC 29593
PH# 843-378-4026.
Again, for the organizations survival it is imperative that we keep our roster up to date. Please review the roster and notify the Treasurer, Webmaster, or any member of the board of any changes to your status.
We now have $23,914.29 on deposit with Wells Fargo with no outstanding debt.
Frank M. Kelly
Treasurer and Keeper of the Roster
Historian’s Message
Since our last reunion in Reno, Nevada, our memorabilia has grown by 17 items. I am working on getting them inventoried and photographed. I have been sending out “Welcome Aboard” letters to new members and reinstated members. I have received profile forms back from Roger Martin, Steven Stephenson, Gerald Terrell, Mike Young and Bruce Hill. Thank you shipmates for sharing your history with the NNWA.
Our military history is very important since our rating is no longer active in the US Navy, this association is truly a “Last NW/GMT/WT Standing” association. One day there will be only one member left standing. That member will have the responsibility to ensure that all of our memorabilia, history and personal history is turned over to a military museum for everyone to see and enjoy and learn about us from the Manhattan Project to the day the rating was disbanded.
One of my responsibilities as your historian is to find a military museum or unit that will take all of our assets in the event that the organization is nearing dissolution. Another item that is in progress is a massive database of every person that has worked in the Navy Nuclear Weapons Program and a list of all of their duty stations. This data base will also help identify the “Gray Dragon”; the oldest living shipmate in the NNWA. This database program is in Microsoft Access and was built by one of our active members, Melissa Cearlock. She has been instrumental in volunteering many hours of her personal time to input data and help guide me in continuing to make this database a reality. Thank you Melissa for all your help and support. Our Webmaster Ray Margeson has also been instrumental in editing the data and assisting in making changes to make this program work better. Thank you Ray.
With the Access program up and running this is a database that will continue to grow with new members and their data. Once your information is in the system it is in there forever.
As of 21 MAY 2015 we have 845 shipmates in the database. Out of the 845 shipmates 440 are listed with their duty stations. This information comes from a members application form or them filling out the personal profile sheet and mailing it to me. This is why I ask everyone to write your military history down with duty stations and dates in the Navy. That way I can enter your history into the database. But I can ONLY do that if your write it down and email or mail it to me.
So now I am challenging every NW/GMT/WT that:
if you have a cruise book to photo copy the W-Division page(s) listing the ship it is from, and put it in the mail to me. If you have computer access you can email that information to me. By doing this you are insuring that everyone is in the system and a part of our history.
All my contact information is on the NNWA website, but if you have any questions here is my information. Please contact me at:
Cell Phone: 317-709-0565
Email: askthechief90@yahoo.com
My mailing address is:
Guy Clemons
257 E. Waterbury Rd.
Indianapolis, IN. 46227
Regenia and I unfortunately we will not be able to be at the 2015 Reunion in San Antonio, TX. But we look forward to seeing you in 2016 in Indianapolis, IN which we are hosting.
If you have any military items (photos, documents, cruise books, weapons parts, weapons manuals, certificates, awards, etc.) that you would like to donate to our growing collection your donation is very much welcome. You can mail your items to me or you can bring them to the reunion.
It is an honor for me to serve as your Navy Nuclear Weapons Association Historian.
WTC (AW) Guy Clemons USN Ret. NNWA Historian
Service Officer’s Message
Chuck Weber serves as the NNWA Service Officer. He regularly posts information regarding veteran’s benefits on the NNWA website. Chuck encourages members to contact him with questions and concerns regarding their service related benefits. His email is: serviceofficer@navynucweps.com
Nominations and Elections Chairman
During our Annual Meeting we will be nominating and electing new members to the Board of Directors. Two of the five members currently on the board will not be standing for re-election.
The Board terms are for two years. Qualifications for standing for election is to be a NNWA Regular member in good standing (dues are current). After the General Membership meeting the Board of Directors will meet and Board assignments will be determined.
An important qualification is board members need to have access to a computer and be computer literate in order to conduct electronic board meetings instead of face-to-face meetings; board members must have equal access to the electronic means selected, such as email.
If you are interested in stepping forward and running for the Board of Directors please contact me. For information regarding the duties of board members please refer to Article IX in the By-Laws which are available for viewing at: www.navynucweps.com
You may contact me at: cshearon2@nc.rr.com
Cameron Shearon
Many of you have noticed that there is now a Members Only Section of the NNWA website. First and foremost, we have moved the roster to this section to provide a bit more security for your information. We have also moved our Business Meeting Minutes, Memorabilia Inventory, a couple of old rosters and the Reunion Stocking Guide to this restricted section to ensure that only members can access them.
Several months ago I e-mailed all active members (who have e-mail addresses) with the password, but apparently many either didn’t get the e-mail or forgot the password. If you need the password, send me an e-mail and if you are an active member, I will send it to you.
We continue to find out about folks who were in the program that have passed away, sometimes many years ago. In any case, we will list them on the memorial page and for three months on the home page.
As of last April, I also started sending an e-mail to our active members with a summary of the changes made to the web site in the last month. Again, if you are not getting this notice, it is because I do not have you listed in my address book. Keep me up to date and accurate – please.
Many times we have had members ask why we didn’t send them a notice about when their dues are due. After 30 years of existence, we started doing that – when dues expired. About the first of the month, I will review the roster and send e-mails to members whose dues are at least one month in arrears. I will send an e-mail on the second year of delinquency and delete any contact information listed for such members. Finally, on the third year of delinquency, I will delete the members name from the online roster.
Remember – this is YOUR web site – if you have any comments or suggestions for it – please contact any Board member, but especially me.
Ray C. Margeson

Ladies Auxiliary
NNWA Ladies,
Ladies of the NNWA. Plans are under way for our 2016 Reunion in Indianapolis, Indiana. Guy and I are hosting the event.
This being the case, I hope to receive some suggestions for a ladies day tour? My thought is to give us ladies one day that you can choose to either accompany the men on their tour, or participate in a tour that is geared with us ladies in mind. (Men will be welcome on either as well). I would also love hearing some suggestions on activities you would like to do in the hospitality room. This could be anything from euchre tournaments to Rummy Cube. Or possibly a night trip to a casino.
Plans are also underway for a Ladies Auxiliary which can help make suggestions for future reunions, tours, etc. Please contact Bethany Gray or myself if you are interested and how you would like to contribute. Feel free to contact me at my email below or call me at 317-353-4306.
I look forward to seeing you all again.
Regenia Clemons
This spring Mother’s Day cards were sent to all the Life Members. Several were sent back to me stamped “Return to Sender”. This seems to be the only way we know when someone is no longer available or has passed on. I did receive a few thank you notes from happy recipients, which is reward enough to me for doing this. I enjoy bringing a smile, even if it’s only to one person’s face. I plan to continue by adding Christmas cards to the list of mailings each year.
For the reunion in October I would like to gather ideas from ladies as to what they would like to do for entertainment. After all, the reunion is as much for you as it is for the men. If we aren’t happy, they won’t be! So please send us some ideas you would like to see done, whether it be a group outing, or types of games played in the hospitality room.
Regenia won’t be at this year’s reunion so I am looking for a few volunteers to help me with the ticket raffles and other things that are needed to help make this reunion run smoothly.
I am always here for you ladies; please contact me at the email below with any thoughts or ideas. I will respond as quickly as I can, although I do still work full time, so bear with me if it takes a day or so.
Bethany Gray:

Rick Campbell has another hit looming on our horizon. His latest novel, and second in the exciting series of international conspiracy and modern naval warfare, EMPIRE RISING, was released in February, 2015. The NNWA was among the first to receive a review copy and I can tell you this novel far exceeds the publishers’ hype. Set in a near-future era, EMPIRE RISING focuses on decades of Asiatic treachery and a government plot to eliminate the US Pacific Fleet while gaining control of the world oil supply and the international economy. I’m reminded of the Japanese strategic posture prior to their attack on Pearl Harbor. In addition to lots of sea time, the book has intrigue ashore, and a love interest woven into the plot.
The introduction to the story contains a helpful list of principal characters, amplified into a total-list addendum, essentially an order of battle, at the back. The action is suspenseful and believable with potential technical minutiae smoothed-out for enjoyable reading. The story tempo is fast, continuous, and sensational. Campbell effectively employs many, short chapters to quickly move from one complementary scene to another. The technique is highly reminiscent of recent, multi-faceted television drama mini-series. Beware however, this technique and Rick’s writing is not conducive to a good night’s sleep! EMPIRE RISING is impossible to put down! I thoroughly enjoyed EMPIRE RISING and emphatically recommend it to you!
Rick was kind enough to donate two copies of EMPIRE RISING to the NNWA. One will go into our archives along with other members’ writings and memoirs. The second, signed by the author will be given to one of our members as a Door Prize at the October reunion in San Antonio.
Mike Snyder, NNWA Past President, Past Historian

Upcoming Reunion Information
HOWDY from Texas to all our NNWA friends from your 2015 reunion hosts, Randy and Liz Scallan.
We are excited to be gathering at the LaQuinta Inns and Suites, 4431 Horizon Hill Blvd, San Antonio, Texas 78229, Oct 11-17. Call 210-525-8090 to make your reservation. Make sure to mention that you are with the NNWA group in order to get the agreed rates which will be honored at least 3 days before and 3 days after the event. If you need more days, feel free to ask when you call the hotel and I am sure they will work with you.
The hotel is situated off of I-10 at exit 561. Ten minutes from the San Antonio International Airport, close to several major highways, and with an abundance of nearby attractions, shopping, and activities. It is a ten minute drive from downtown San Antonio’s Riverwalk.
We have very much enjoyed working with Angie, Lisa and Theresa who have been the heart and soul of cooperation and made us feel so welcome. They send their greetings and want to let you all know they and the staff are looking forward to meeting you.
The facilities are very fit for our needs and will accommodate our hospitality suite, memorabilia displays, banquet, and dancing needs. We are gonna even learn how to dance the Cotton Eyed Joe or refresh our skills for sure.
Room rates – Single and Double – $85.00 per night plus hotel tax of 16.75%. We feel it is best to know the full amount since some of us come from areas where perhaps tax is not this high. Having no surprises always works best. (Triple – $95, Quad – $105, Suites $115 – before tax).
- Complimentary full hot breakfast is available including a make your own waffle station, hot eggs, and bacon or sausage each morning.
- Complimentary microwave, refrigerator, safe, coffee maker, iron, and ironing board in each guestroom
- Outdoor pool and whirlpool
- Complimentary full fitness center
- Complimentary parking
- Complimentary shared wireless internet access
- Complimentary shuttle service to/from San Antonio International Airport (We will be asking for your flight arrival time for use in arranging shuttle schedule)
Of course, as usual, you must contact the hotel directly to make your room reservations.
This newsletter includes the form for your easy reference and completion to assure your spots for all the fun we have planned.
Reunion registration will be open on Sunday afternoon, Oct 11th and Monday morning, Oct 12th.
NNWA – San Antonio Reunion 2015 - Tours
Tour #1
San Antonio City tour Tuesday
Tuesday Oct 13
10am – 3:00pm
10:00am : Capers will pick up the group at their hotel by motor coach. First stop is the Alamo. There will be time to shop in the gift shop And tour the grounds after exiting the Chapel itself. (10:30 – 11:15) http://www.thealamo.org/
11:15am : We will continue by foot across the street to tour the Menger Hotel with All the ghost stories and Tales of Teddy Roosevelt. www.legendsofamerica.com/tx-mengerhotel.html
11:30am : Lunch will be at the Menger Hotel Colonial Room for their hot and cold buffet.
12:30pm : Everyone re-boards the bus and drives through downtown San Antonio. Sights we will see will be the Spanish Governor’s Palace, San Fernando Cathedral On our way to the Mexican Market. We will have time to do Some shopping in the Mexican Market or enjoy a pastry at Mi Tierra. www.mitierracafe.com/about_history.html
1:30pm : After lunch and shopping, we will drive to the King William District. There will be time for a self -guided tour of the Guenther House and shopping in their food store. Here is a link to information about the house: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guenther_House_(San_Antonio)
2:30pm : We will return to the hotel with fond memories of our day in San Antonio
3:00pm : Arrive back at the hotel
Price per person: Minimum 35 people, includes tour bus, Capers certified tour guide All admissions fees, taxes and gratuities and lunch at the Colonial Room, Menger Hotel $63.00 per person, min. 35, no maximum
Tour #2
Fredericksburg Full Day Tour Proposal
Wednesday – Oct 14
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00 am : Your coach will depart your hotel with a uniformed Capers staff person to escort everyone to the beautiful Texas Hill Country. Along the way, your guide will talk about the countryside you are passing thru and the history of the hill country.
9:15 am : Before entering into the town itself, we will make a stop at The Wild Seed Farm which is one of the most unique places you will ever see. Not only can you get just about any type of floral seed you can think of they have an amazing gift shop with items for both house and garden as well as a butterfly exhibit and acres and acres of wildflowers you can wander thru. http://www.wildseedfarms.com/home.php
10:00 am : Then it’s on to Fredericksburg, Texas; a town settled by German immigrants in the early 1800’s, is rich with heritage. There are numerous historical buildings and restaurants along the main streets. The many shops of Fredericksburg are in a four-block area and make it a delightful place to find unique gifts and items from the Hill Country and from Texas. – http://www.fredericksburgtexas-online.com/
You will have some time to continue your exploration of Fredericksburg and its wonderfully unique eclectic shops as well as the amazing Nimitz Museum which recently has undergone an extensive renovation. http://www.pacificwarmuseum.org/ Group rate admission to the museum is $8.00 per person.
3:15 pm : Oh, there is one more stop on the way back. These days Luckenbach Texas is, to paraphrase John Steinbeck, a state of mind – A Texas state of mind, where you can kick back, relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life like a step back in time. This tiny hill country hamlet where “Everybody’s Somebody” was established as a Trading Post in 1849 making it one of the oldest settlements in Gillespie County. http://www.luckenbachtexas.com/history
3:45pm : The drive home will be 3:45 – 5:00pm with all the memories included.
Price: $46.00 per person with a 35 person minimum.
Includes Capers uniformed tour guide, transportation, and refreshments on the bus.
Lunch and Nimitz charges on own
Tour #3
Thursday – Oct 15
Exact times for the progression of this tour will be added – morning start.
One of the country’s few National Parks within an urban setting, the San Antonio Missions tell the story of the European expansion in the New World. We will make our first stop to the first and most famous of the entire Missions, Mission San Jose.
The “Queen of the Missions”, Mission San Jose is our stop. This site was established in 1720 and is the largest and best restored of the San Antonio’s five missions. We will tour the Indians’ quarters that were located within the walls as well as the Spanish soldiers’ quarters. San Jose’s church is one of the most beautiful in the country with its elaborate carvings on the chapel façade. http://www.nps.gov/saan/planyourvisit/sanjose.htm
We will drive by the other missions on our way back into town. Our tour guide will share the stories as we pass the Espada Dam. This dam was built curving the wrong way and has lasted for 200 years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espada_Acequia
Back in the main part of downtown, we will take our boat ride in the main loop of the river. This 45 minute boat ride lets you see the city from a totally new perspective. All our bridges were built during the WPA projects and from groups in different parts of the country. http://www.yelp.com/biz/rio-san-antonio-cruises-san-antonio
We will enjoy lunch at Rio Rio Cantina on the river before heading back to our hotel. https://www.thesanantonioriverwalk.com/directory/rio-rio-cantina
Cost: $66.00 per person based on a minimum of 35 people Inclusive of all fees, gratuities, & taxes Boat ride tickets and lunch at Rio Rio Cantina
Special note
If you choose not to attend the tours on a certain day or perhaps are more comfortable remaining at the hotel, the hospitality suite will be available for gathering if we have a volunteer to be responsible for the area while the tour groups are away from the hotel.
It is our sincere wish to accommodate all our friends for this great event where so much history is shared and the “sitting and talking” is the highlight for many of us!
Menu Options for NNWA Banquet
Option I
Garden Salad
Four-leaf Salad, Carrots, Cucumbers, Tomatoes
Cheddar Cheese and Choice of two Dressings
6 Ounce Topped Sirloin
Served with a Demi Glaze with
Twice Baked Potatoes and Fresh Butter Carrots
Option II
Classic Cesar Salad
Crisp Romaine Hearts, Bailed Tomatoes
Served with a Classic Caesar Dressing
Chicken Marsala
Chicken Breast in an Italian Mushroom Marsala Wine Sauce
Served with Garlic Mashers and Grilled Vegetables
Option III
“Beggar’s Purse” – Phyllo Dough stuffed with roasted or grilled vegetables and garden salad
Each Entrée served with Rolls and Whipped Butter and beverage
Alternate per setting
Berry White Cheesecake with White Chocolate Raspberry
Turtle pecan pie with dark chocolate chunks & bourbon
Regular Coffee and Decaffeinated Coffee
Iced Tea with Lemon Wedge