Tracy McDaniels is our historian and the contact point for documents, photos, written histories, etc.  Please make any submissions for  History areas to him at


Tracy McDaniels

1900 Syramore Dr
Killeen, TX 76543



If submissions are to be published on the website - e-mail the image to the webmaster and, if you wish, you can send the hard copy or item to the Historian.


Photo Archive Unit Patches/Badges
NNWA Officer & Reunion Record WT Crow Symbolism
Training  & Other Certificates Wayne Shook Archives
Radiation Exposure Statements


Title Author/Attribution/Source
Keepers of the Dragon Henry B. Smith, Lt. Cmdr., USN (Ret)
First Nuclear Weapon Launch from an Aircraft Carrier LCDR Roy A. Norman, USN (ret)  
Nukuler Safti Michael D. Snyder, October 1997
Legend of Santa Barbara Unknown
Tom Best's Tribute to the "Keepers of the Dragon" LCDR Thomas Best, Sr.
NWTGP Command History Allen Autry
Earliest SWU Dave Fontana
NSWU History and Photos LCDR Roy Norman & Chuck Schoen
Trinity K. T. Bainbridge
Defense Special Weapons Agency - 1947-1997 DSWA 50th Anniversary Pamphlet
Effects of Nuclear Weapons - 1977 Edition Very large pdf file (over 600 pages/almost 70 MB) Samuel Glasstone
SWOP 35-51 - General Instructions for Cleaning, Preservation, Packaging and Identification Marking through Change 6 - 7 June 72 Tom Trimber

SWOP 40-54 General Maintenance Procedures

through Change 11 - 28 March 1969

Provided by Ray Margeson

SWOP 40-54 General Maintenance Procedures

through Change 16 - 6 February 1973

Provided by Tom Trimber
Life In W-Division Questionnaire Chris Edward - National Park Service
30th Anniversary of NAD Oahu (NAD Oahu Detonator) A. Douglas Weaver
1996 News article about disestablishment of WT rating " of the Navy's most specialized ratings) MT1(SS) Ryan Moody
The History of Nuclear Weapon Safety Devices Sandia National Laboratories
Trinity Site 1945-1995 Official site brochure
NSWUA (NNWA) - the early days Danny Rider
History of Sandia Tech Area II Sandia National Labs
First Deployment for Jack Hayes Jack Hayes (e-mail to Mike Snyder)
Terkel Interviews Tibbets in 2002 Studs Terkel interview of Paul Tibbets
Lt. Donald S. Lindberg Certificates, etc. provided by Paul Roales
NWSU 802 Orders March 1950 and commentary Paul Roales & Michael Snyder
Nuclear Safety Standards Provided by Gary Spevak
2011 The USA Year in Review CWO4 Robert O. King
Occupational Standards Gunner's Mate Technician NAVPERS 18068-D Bill Borgelt
Advancement Handbook for Petty Officers (Weapons Technician - eff 1 January 1993) - 39 pages Bill Borgelt
1964 Atomic Weapons Training Group Welcome Brochure - 40 pages may download slowly Jim Samsell via Jim Zielsdorf
U. S. Deployed Nuclear/Thermonuclear Weapons Don Boyer
Personal memories of the earliest SWU! Dave Fontana
Patrol Insignia for Regulus Veterans Jim Hollingsworth
Japan Under the Nuclear Umbrella The Nautilus Institute (provided by Chuck Weber)
CPO Standards - humorous Mike McCaffrey, Admiral (retired USN)
Military history/experiences of CDR William H. (Harry) Austin Introduction by Michael Snyder
NWTGP Nuclear Weapons Chronology (through 1974) Ray C., Margeson
Information on "Q" Clearance Jim Hamann
Course schedules from NWTGP in'74 and '75 (Copies of Mimeos) Patricia Fite
World's Largest Nuclear Explosions Dave Schiffman
Two Waikele Tales from mid '60s Mike Snyder
NW Program History possibly by Tom Best Mike Snyder
1956 NW Movements - CAPT Harold Barr and LCDR Tom Perkins Mike Snyder
The Sounds of Silence Project concerning our exposure to radiation Rick Workman
PACT Act Update May 2024 Chuck Weber
Harry Austin Memories Mike Snyder






May 20, 2024


  Copyright 2000-2024 The term "Keepers of the Dragon" and the logo (seal) depicted herein are the exclusive copyrights and trademarks of the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association and may not be used without its prior written permission.  All rights reserved worldwide.